Wolf calling MP3 sounds?


Apr 22, 2012
Wolf season will open in Wy. in 2 days, I need to download some wolf calls to my Alpha Dogg call, Does anyone know where I can find some high quality wolf sounds? I downloaded a couple but they are not that great.
I have a few on MP3 files from a Western Rivers caller... I don't know what works and what doesn't so I can't tell you if they sound good or not.. If I can figure out how to send them to you via email I can if you like?
Didnt get a chance to try the caller on this trip, Got too busy packing elk meat, My wife took a nice 360" bull.
I am planning another trip close to yellowstone so that should be good wolf calling country.
we seen a pack of wolves while we were hunting elk, they scared everything out of the area we were hunting, and killed one of the elk. so any tips on how to kill them, or call them would be good
bearguide, I don't know much about wolves but I would imagine they would come to the same calls as a coyote will? Something like a dying rabbit or fawn in distress?... I do have some mp3 files of wolves I can send you, these calls came with my electric caller and I don't know if they work of not...I also have a few of the rabbit and fawn in distress mp3 files that I mentioned, they work great on coyotes...I imagine they would work for wolves too..Let me know if your interested and I will email them to ya...
The outdoor show around MT used to have a guy that did preditor control for 5 ranches around Harlowtown give talks as part of their education talks. A couple things he said about wolves. Any canine will respond to a wounded pup. Wolves, dogs, coyotes, ect. And in his view, if electronic calling ever became legal for hunting wolves(it wasn't at that point, it is now), he would go to a friends dog kennel and record the dogs at feeding time, howling and barking. With wolves being territory animals, he felt this would be the ticket to calling in wolves.