
3.5 wintery miles on the trails with Tiny E- ~ 4" of snow and temps in the mid 20's- certainly feels like winter!
Snatches work to 90% 1 rep max for 1

21 t2b
42 thrusters #95
800 m run

OH DB carry
3x45sec each arm #50

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Tiny Elvis and I got out for 3.5 trail miles- felt even more like winter this this evening with temps right at 20
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:

14 x Bulgarian Split Squats holding 2 x 26 lb kettlebells, (7 squats each side)
5 x Box jumps, 36"

10 Minute AMRAP:

Wall-balls, 20 lb/10'
Begin every minute with 30 double-unders
hit the gym this evening- squats 3x5, deadlifts 3x5, chinups 3x11, dips 3x30, core

I've got to get back on track with Wendler- hopefully next week
Work to a 1 rep max thruster

8 min AMRAP
3 thrusters 95#
3 toes 2 bar
6 thrusters
6 toes 2 bar
9 thrusters
9 toes 2 bar
12 thrusters
12 toes 2 bar

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Partner wod

10 wall ball #20
10 burpee
10 sit ups

12 rds one work while partner rests
(6 rds each)
1 mile run vested #20 humanx vest

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Tiny Elvis and I got 7.5 miles on the trails


Mtwarden, can I ask what you generally wear for these winter runs? Especially footwear...just lite trail runners? Gaiters? Shoes full of snow would suck me thinks. Thanks
Mtwarden, can I ask what you generally wear for these winter runs? Especially footwear...just lite trail runners? Gaiters? Shoes full of snow would suck me thinks. Thanks

Hi. When the temps are in the 20's+ I use my normal trail runners w/ light gaiters (Outdoor Research Stamina gaiters) AND thicker/taller wool socks- Darn Tough full cushion boot ones.

when the temps drop below 20 (or if it's particularly slushy) I use La Sportiva Crossovers- a goretex trail runner with built in gaiter. The Goretex membrane does a good job keeping your feet warmer. I find them too warm unless it's cold.

should mention that 95% of the time in the winter I'm microspikes as well- even on shiny glare ice, I can run- my pair has over 2000 miles on them and still going strong :)

5.5 miles with my wife and Tiny E- someone was feeling festive and hiked in some Christmas decorations :)


Open workout 16.5

21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Thrusters, 95 lbs
Bar-Facing Burpees

Just as sucky as last time I did it...
3 sets of Front squats w/ drop set , work to 95% of 1 rep max for 1 then drop to 85% for 4

8 min amrap
3 thrusters #95
3 t2b
6 thrusters
6 t2b
9 thrusters
9 t2b
Keep going up by 3 reps until 8 min expires

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