
Everything with my vest on
Pull Up Ladders to 8

5 sets, no rest
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/135/135 x 10/8/6/6/6
Hex Bar Dead & Shrug- 60/110/150/200/200 x 5/10ea
Lateral Pull Ups- x 6
Decline Sit Up- x 15
25in Box Step Up- x 10ea

2 sets
DB Arnold Press- 40s x 8
DB Shrugs- 70/75s x 6
Rear Delt & Lateral Raises- 10s x 10ea
1 arm Deadhang

DB Clean & Press w/ 35s for 21
Farmer’s Carry with the fat 45lb bumper plates
5 round(24kg kettlebell):
R rack squat x8
R rack carry x50 ft
L rack squat x8
L rack carry x50 ft
R kb row x10
R suitcase carry x50 ft
L kb row x10
L suitcase carry x50 ft
Alternating kb swing x10
R rack carry x50 ft
Alternating kb swing x10
L rack carry x50 ft

20 min EMOM
Push up x15
BW Squat x15
KB row x15

3.5 mile walk in the woods with Chuck
Got a little snow (not as much as I hoped) so grabbed the skis; 6 miles (500') with Tiny Elvis
