
Every 30 seconds for 6 rounds alternating:
-20 double-unders
-1 squat snatch @ 70%
1 minute rest
Every 30 seconds for 6 rounds alternating:
-20 double-unders
-1 squat snatch @ 75%
1 minute rest
Every 30 seconds for 6 rounds alternating:
-20 double-unders
-1 squat snatch @ 85%
1 minute rest
Every 30 seconds for 4 rounds alternating:
-20 double-unders
-1 squat snatch @ 90-95%

9 minute EMOM (alternating, 3x through):
-8R/8L front rack barbell lunges with iso knee drive
-15 toes to bar
-14 cal ski erg
6 miles (600') with my wife and Tiny Elvis

I had oral surgery yesterday and spent the evening icing, ingesting my own blood, and eating a couple Oxy. Feeling fine today but was told to take it easy, so I did an easy 700vert hike with about a 15lb daypack.

Scored a couple thousand primers as well. I didn’t mention it, but Monday morning my youngest got a Mtn lion. Nice thing is that it’s below one of our good mule deer spots. Probably do the European Sunday.