Withdraw/ Modify Colorado App?

Jul 22, 2018
I haven't submitted my CO application yet, but thinking through the different scenarios that could happen with other states apps for myself and my hunting partner. I'll be applying to possibly cash in my 10 elk points in CO this year, but if I draw Wyoming or New Mexico Elk before Colorado results come out, can I modify my CO app at the end of April or May?

I am a CO resident, and am very familiar with the regs, but haven't ever thought to modify/ withdraw an app until now, with my 10 points on the line.

I'm also familiar with how to modify/ withdraw in Wyoming, which is what got me thinking about doing so in Colorado.
The Change/Modify deadline for the Primary Draw is the same as the Application deadline - April 1st - 8pm MDT

But at least you can return the tag if you want later
Ah that's a bummer. I wish they did it more like Wyoming.

I know I can return it, but then I'm a year behind on points.