With the ever increasing price of a North American Sheep hunt, where are the best values internationally?

I used Neal and Brownlee on Kyrgyzstan and B.C. 100% Would recommend them.
@DavidMark i have used Neal and Brownlee for hunts in Kyrgyzstan, Alaska, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, US, future trips to Mozambique and BC, and fishing trips to Canada.

There are huge benefits to using a full time booking agent over booking direct with an outfitter, especially on foreign hunts. Cannot recommend this route enough.
I used Neal and Brownlee on Kyrgyzstan and B.C. 100% Would recommend them.
Same. Greg is the real deal, standup dude. Would book with them again any day. I went to Tajik for mid Asian with them. Happy to connect with anyone interested
Thanks for the advice. Maybe I should try to call. I had emailed them at some point last year for one of these hunts but I didn't get a response. I was also looking into a mt goat hunt so glad to hear they hooked you up with both bascott1!
Thanks for the advice. Maybe I should try to call. I had emailed them at some point last year for one of these hunts but I didn't get a response. I was also looking into a mt goat hunt so glad to hear they hooked you up with both bascott1!
I would call for sure. Every time I call they have answered or at least responded that they will call me shortly.
I'm currently in the search for an ibex hunt but keep leaning towards a hunt in Kazakhstan. I have talked to a couple outfits, Russian pro, and global safaris AZ. Haven't see any red flags from these outfits but if anyone has any insight or suggestions i would like to hear.

Not trying to hijack the tread, seems to relate to me, but my wife reminds me often I don't look at things the way "most people do".?
the most complex for you is making sure the company you are dealing with is not affiliatted with the actual russian government and not on any banned list. even if you re not going to russia the money you are sending might ...
Mouflon Slams must be a thing, right? I'm guessing you could hunt about half a dozen Mouflon across continental Europe for less than the price of a Dall Sheep hunt.
Mouflon Slams must be a thing, right? I'm guessing you could hunt about half a dozen Mouflon across continental Europe for less than the price of a Dall Sheep hunt.
No one who has hunted Dall wonders what hunting mouflon is like.

From what I understand most of Europe is a gentleman’s hunt. You might shoot 10 mouflons for the price of a dall, but you would look at none of them with reverence.
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No one who has hunted Dall wonders what hunting mouflon is like.

From what I understand most of Europe is a gentleman’s hunt. You might shoot 10 mouflons for the price of a dall, but you would look at none of them with reverence.
Yeah that is likely true.

Looking at the GSCO stats regarding european mouflon, they don't seem to get very large (100lbs). I'm guessing they are viewed as more of an add-on species when pursuing Ibex, Chamois, Stag etc.

GSCO - Mouflon

I still think it would be worthwhile to pursue one for the budget-minded who would like an OVIS species and is more comfortable spending $5,000 vs $40,000-$50,000.
Aside from the various Mouflon sheep ($5,000), which would be the next most affordable of the true Ovis species internationally? one of the Russian Snow Sheep? Blue Sheep?
Aside from the various Mouflon sheep ($5,000), which would be the next most affordable of the true Ovis species internationally? one of the Russian Snow Sheep? Blue Sheep?
Blue sheep is about 45k right now. And i am not sure of its ovis/capra classification. It rides the line between both. Russia is open to US hunters, but I would be hesitant going over at this moment.