Update from Game and Fish:
Just one of the examples in the report that caught my eye.... sad situation for sure!
Not specifically deer or antelope related, but I talked to a friend yesterday who lives in Jackson, WY. They have had 500, yes 500, inches of snow already this year. The record is 620 something in the early '90's. All the critters will be in tough shape except maybe the elk that are being fed.
Not specifically deer or antelope related, but I talked to a friend yesterday who lives in Jackson, WY. They have had 500, yes 500, inches of snow already this year. The record is 620 something in the early '90's. All the critters will be in tough shape except maybe the elk that are being fed.
500" at the top of the mountain resort...not in town. But yes, been one of the worst winters in the valley in a long time. 16/17 killed a ton of deer and we were just recovering, this spring has been much colder and the snow is still here. I have 5 feet in my pasture currently, when the actual winter kill data really starts coming in during the upcoming months, its not going to be fun to hear. My friends who live right in the heart of the deer winter range have said its horrible, and just the amount of snow isnt the issue, its the non-stop freezing temps and high winds we have had for months that froze over the food and ability for animals to get to it. Going to be a long recovery from this one i bet
You can tell it's been a bad winter because as the plow trucks come by and clear stuff you're seeing on the carcasses on the side in the push off. More than I have seen in the last few seasons. I drove down from star valley to salt lake recently and there was a bunch of carcasses on the sides of the roads. I step off into my yard and sink to my crotch and don't hit bottom and I am in valley floor. Agree with the 5' number from mtnguide. It's up to my kid's shoulder and he is just shy of 6'.