This rifle is a Classic Featherweight, built in New Haven. 280 Remington. The metal and bluing on this gun are really good, the stock is a little beat up. I picked up this gun in a trade, in fact I picked up 2 280 rems in the trade and at the time this Featherweight was wearing synthetic stock, I was able to hunt down a stock and bottom metal to put it as close as I could to Original. I've decided to keep the other one and let this one go to fund a Marlin 39 Carbine and other items. It is a good shooting rifle, the synthetic stock is bedded to this action and it shot really well in it, I've only shot a few rounds with featherweight stock. The wood stock is a really nice piece of wood, just some hunting bumps and bruises. I will sell the gun with both stocks and the Leupold bases and rings. Being a Classic Featherweight in a 280 I'm asking $1060 shipped. Scope not included unless the buyer is willing to pay an extra $365.