WTS Winchester 1300 Turkey


Apr 24, 2018
Central Texas
Winchester 1300 Turkey 12 gauge. Factory full. 22 inch barrel. Green laminate stock. Factory tapped for rail if wanted for a dot. Throws an awesome pattern and the full is deadly with apex #9. (8 rounds apex #9s included). They don’t make turkey guns like this anymore. $525 shipped.

Bump for one of the best pump shotguns you'll ever own....

I got the same gun but mine is the NWT edition. I got it for my 12th birthday. One day, I'll likely have to answer for all of the game I killed with it....

Great gun in great shape for a great price IMHO.
These are great shotguns. I bought the NWTF engraved receiver model the first year they came out back in the day and it is responsible for the demise of many a big ol longbeard.
I’ll bump it for the best pump ever made. Got mine at 13, my 2 boys have used it and my 2 girls will too.