Not exactly a fast commute....
How many of you guys hunt with your wives on backpacking hunting trips? I'm wondering if this is a good idea. I know that my wife would love the senery, but I'm not so sure how she'd hold up to the physical part of it.
My wife is not a hunter but is a great supporter of my hunting. She comes with me on scouting trips and really enjoys the outdoor part of it all. She's a very physical gal and that part of the hunt appeals to her. I've learned to set the pace as close to hers as possible and we have the most fun.
Hell no. Two would go in and only one would come out.
Harsh. Another thought, find one who's dad hunted all the time (or at least as much as you would like to) she that she is used to a family member hunting all the time. Something to think about.I'm divorced and her whining about me hunting had a little bit to do with why I kicked her to the curb. If I ever get married again she will start as my hunting partner and then marriage.
This sounds like it is all lovey dovey. I go hunt just to get a break from mine. If I had to spend 7 days in a row with her in the woods, I might cover her in honey and bacon and hunt bears off of her.....