Why not more DIY “big eyes”?

Screwing off eyecups should hopefully work, I find even when not required it gives a better sense. You can get your eyes up super close and it feels like looking through a window almost.
Ever since the new Kowa 66’s that are compatible with the TE-80XW eye piece was announced, I’ve been real curious about that big eye set up.
Ever since the new Kowa 66’s that are compatible with the TE-80XW eye piece was announced, I’ve been real curious about that big eye set up.
According to Adam Blotkampf (of Adams adapters) the new 66 can’t be adapted. The material must be thicker near eye.bummer I know but he’s got the 664 setup on clearance so if thinking about a set act fast!
If it’s any consolation he’s working on the Swarovski STC big eye adaptation, unsure when he’ll have it ready but I’d guess few months they’ll be available to buy. “Adamsadapters” on Instagram will keep you updated.
No idea why you couldn't, I do all of that with twin STS's.
I asked hoping that wasn’t the answer :cry: I love my BTX 115 with magnifier, but I can’t help but wonder what a dual STC looks like. Especially considering the option to remove one for hunts where you really want a less bulky or lighter pack.
I love my BTX 115 with magnifier,
So do my buddy's but I kick their butts with the ability to zoom. I can be zoomed in what 2-3 seconds? What's the fastest you can add that magnifier? If you don't drop anything and manage to stay on target like a minute? More? Less? Regardless if I'm glassing at min mag I can instantly zoom to do a bogey check and if confirmed bogey it's back to min and move on. Back and forth on the BTX takes forever. Now if you're glassing way out on max mag then we're both on the same plane. My downside is the twins are bigger and bulkier than the BTX.

Especially considering the option to remove one for hunts where you really want a less bulky or lighter pack.
I tried the remove one when I wanted a single scope. Pain in the butt re-collimating everytime you do it. I now own 3 STS's, well one STM and two STS's :)

The little twin STC's look very enticing for the size and weight reduction over my twin STS. I'll have to watch how it all plays out.
Yes like the twin STS you can do whatever you want as they’re independent of each other. Maybe it might be useful in some situations to A/B test an area you’re looking at, allowing you to have large FOV at min magnification then max zoom in other eye to quickly check detail.

Pretty unique feature should you require it.
Maybe it might be useful in some situations to A/B test an area you’re looking at, allowing you to have large FOV at min magnification then max zoom in other eye to quickly check detail.

Pretty unique feature should you require it.
Not maybe useful, absolutely no doubt useful. I do it a lot every time I use them and I use them a lot.
Having each eye at lowest magnification for closer glassing, then cranking both eyes up to max power together for longer viewing or a closer look with both eyes.
To clarify you mean having each eyepiece at different magnification?
What 4090 said and often just one cranked up to quickly see if there’s anything to what I think I’m seeing. If not it goes back down. If there is something or it further looks like something then the other gets cranked up.
No one has ever tried rigging a bino viewer on a spotting scope?
They are used all the time on amateur astronomical telescopes.
You wouldn't need 2 spotting scopes, saving bulk, weight and cost.
The physics involved mean Binoviewers aren’t as good. Swarovski BTX Is the only suitable option. Omegon released a spotter with bino viewer but it seems like casual astronomy tool Vs something you’d bring on a hunt.

I made a mathematical comparison of various big eyes Vs BTX.
Post in thread 'Why not more DIY “big eyes”?'

Check out this post. The numbers mean the “centimetre squared” real estate of glass. This translates to much greater brightness and light transmission which means more contrast . Resolution is limited by the actual size of a lens, so 2x 66 scopes are limited to the resolution of a 66mm lens. Say you use a 85//95/ 115 BTX, in optimal conditions this should have greater resolution than a 66mm big eye.