Why I would never buy a Tikka

When I read the OP , a thought in my head was
It’s the QC manager at Christensen sitting on the toilet typing this out during a potty break, that has to be one of the most frustrating jobs in the business
When I read the OP , a thought in my head was
It’s the QC manager at Christensen sitting on the toilet typing this out during a potty break, that has to be one of the most frustrating jobs in the business
The toilet at Christiansen Arms? Yes, that poor thing has to deal with a lot of $hit!
While I can appreciate tikkas for what they are, I'm not a fanboy by any means.

That said with your one example. The gun jammed therefore all tikkas are crap? Am I getting that right?:ROFLMAO: How do you get a round stuck under the bolt that cant be unstuck by pulling the mag?

I've had parts on single action Rugers fail, and S&W's that couldnt keep a screw in them. M&P's that jammed non stop, m77's that would get pissy if you ran the bolt hard and on and on and on....

They are all just parts. Sometimes parts break, and sometimes they are crap right outta the gate. Fix whatever the issue is and move on.

I do not understand the reason for threads like this, where a guy finds the need to announce to the world why he wont buy such n such.
While I can appreciate tikkas for what they are, I'm not a fanboy by any means.

That said with your one example. The gun jammed therefore all tikkas are crap? Am I getting that right?:ROFLMAO: How do you get a round stuck under the bolt that cant be unstuck by pulling the mag?

I've had parts on single action Rugers fail, and S&W's that couldnt keep a screw in them. M&P's that jammed non stop, m77's that would get pissy if you ran the bolt hard and on and on and on....

They are all just parts. Sometimes parts break, and sometimes they are crap right outta the gate. Fix whatever the issue is and move on.

I do not understand the reason for threads like this, where a guy finds the need to announce to the world why he wont buy such n such.

In the OPs defense, he only started this thread to keep his bergara and Christensen thread from becoming a tikka thread. He didn’t have to, he did it because people wanted to hear it from him.
Cool story. Any rifle can fail. You pay your money and you take your chances. Tikkas generally have a good rep for being solid and accurate out of the box for a very reasonable price. Based on my sample of one, that has been my experience.

Sorry for the OP's trouble. What production rifles do you prefer?
I put the fall on Tikka because my rifle dissapeared. No matter the age it hurts to just lose a rifle, but at 18 when you save your little coin to buy a rifle and it gets swallowed into the abyss it really hurt

You should have leaned on the dealer to replace it. They should have shipped it insured and they should have dealt with the cost of replacing it( if it was insured for more than his cost he would have made a few bucks) You got swindled into buying 1 rifle twice, even if the replacement was at cost. Sorry your gunsmith was an idiot and your dealer was a crook.

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It would be nice to see a Tikka malfunction picture or video. I have a Tikka project in the works. Was this factory ammo or reloaded ammo?
They sell a lot of Tikkas here in New Zealand and they are often treated badly in the weather and always work. At least, nothing like I've seen or heard with other brands in terms of problems.
I had a many times reloaded case split in two and the front half stayed in the chamber. Must have been the Tikkas fault.

I literally tossed the Tikka out of a boat on to mud the other day, no issues. Such a cheap piece of junk, should have bough a CA. My one CA would malfunction if it got misted on, such a wonderful work of art.
Am 66 also, been deer hunting since I was a teenager. Anyway, I own three Tikkas including one in .270 Win. In my experience, all have been exceptionally reliable and accurate. Great factory triggers, all capable of sub-MOA groups with preferred ammo. Also have a couple of Sakos. While lacking certain refinements that the Sakos have, the Tikkas don't give up anything from an accuracy standpoint. Love Sako products, call me a Fanboy.
I personally have sold all of my tikkas. They are ok. I am just really unlucky as the 9 I've had over the years only 1 shot moa with any regularity.

I also find it funny that other brands get bashed here so much. It doesn't seem warranted if you read the threads like "what is your elk rifle"...guys apparently are carrying rem 700's, CA's (a bunch), savage, ruger, and all kinds of other brands with no issues. Same in the "what is your go to" ....etc....

Buy what you like...not what is "hyped".....none are "perfect" - all are a compromise in some way.
I personally have sold all of my tikkas. They are ok. I am just really unlucky as the 9 I've had over the years only 1 shot moa with any regularity.

I also find it funny that other brands get bashed here so much. It doesn't seem warranted if you read the threads like "what is your elk rifle"...guys apparently are carrying rem 700's, CA's (a bunch), savage, ruger, and all kinds of other brands with no issues. Same in the "what is your go to" ....etc....

Buy what you like...not what is "hyped".....none are "perfect" - all are a compromise in some way.

I personally have sold all of my tikkas. They are ok. I am just really unlucky as the 9 I've had over the years only 1 shot moa with any regularity.

I also find it funny that other brands get bashed here so much. It doesn't seem warranted if you read the threads like "what is your elk rifle"...guys apparently are carrying rem 700's, CA's (a bunch), savage, ruger, and all kinds of other brands with no issues. Same in the "what is your go to" ....etc....

Buy what you like...not what is "hyped".....none are "perfect" - all are a compromise in some way.
1/9 Tikkas being a shooter is user error IMO. Heck 1/9 being shooters of a lot of brands is probably user error.
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To each their own.

I bought my first one for my son to use based on everything I read here. I have not been disappointed. Slick bolt, great trigger, and excellent accuracy. First 10 shot group was 1.2" with factory 143 ELD X. Second 10 shot was .88" with factory 147 ELD M. For the price, its awful hard to beat.
I personally have sold all of my tikkas. They are ok. I am just really unlucky as the 9 I've had over the years only 1 shot moa with any regularity.

I also find it funny that other brands get bashed here so much. It doesn't seem warranted if you read the threads like "what is your elk rifle"...guys apparently are carrying rem 700's, CA's (a bunch), savage, ruger, and all kinds of other brands with no issues. Same in the "what is your go to" ....etc....

Buy what you like...not what is "hyped".....none are "perfect" - all are a compromise in some way.
Only “1 out of 9” Tikkas “shooting MOA” is the one of the most r/thathappened statements I’ve ever seen on Rokslide.

What kept you coming back to Tikkas to the the tune of 9 rifles if “none of them could shoot MOA”?

I honestly shouldn’t even be responding as this is an obvious troll post and completely made up haha.
1/9 Tikkas being a shooter is user error IMO. Heck 1/9 being shooters of a lot of brands is probably user error.
Not saying that there’s no such thing as a “bad “ rifle and/or barrel, but I find myself wondering when I see something akin to “ This rifle just won’t shoot “ , how adept at marksmanship is the person making the observation? More than once after a sub par day at the range I’ve headed off to recheck rifle and scope functions at the zeroing range only to have, once again, my belief that it’s my own crappy shooting re-confirmed.
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Should have wrapped it around a tree and said

This heated up on another thread about Bergara so I better justify my statement "not a tikka fan"

Here's my story to the best of my abilities. Very bummed we did not photo or video this incident but we were in triage mode.

Every November I host my brother and two nephews at my MN cabin for the annual boys deer hunt. All 3 of them shoot 270 Win. Tikka's.
My brother shot a deer and quickly cycled another round. Soon after I got a text that he was jammed and could I walk over. When I got there he handed me his rifle. The next round was jammed in an upward position. The base was under the bolt face and the nose of the round was jammed in the upper receiver just forward of the loading port. No big deal right? Nope. It was jammed so solidly that nothing could be manipulated by hand. Round could not be pulled out and bolt could not be moved.
I palmed the bolt hard downwards to no avail. Finally I picked up a 2 inch club stick off the ground and pounded on the bolt. It became apparent that I was going to snap off the bolt handle. We walked the mile and a half back to the truck where I had a Leatherman in the console. I pried the neck of the round until we could remove the round. Bullet was at a 45 degree angle in case. Case destroyed when it finally came out.

So fool me once Tikka. We had a deer down and truck nearby on this incident, but talked quite a bit that night in camp about being 5 miles in on an elk hunt and this happens. Worse yet if a follow up shot is required.

So I can hear the comments...anomaly, 1-off, short cycle, yada yada. Whatever, I won't own another Tikka. I am 66 years old and have been a rifleman all of my life. Owned and swapped dozens of rifles. Never had a failure like this one.
Sounds like serious operator Error! Have your brother swallow his pride and fezz up. How the f_ _ _ he accomplished the remarkable feat.🤔