I was looking to order up either a 6um or .25-7prc 20"barrel but when I start crunching some numbers I have to ask if there is an advantage over 6.5prc? Am I missing something, Are my numbers way off?
Recoil is bison balistics
Ab g7's
Hornady calculator 10mph wind 7000ft default environment
6.5prc 153.5 berger .349g7 (or156 or 150smk) 2850fps
Less recoil
Brass and ammo on the shelf
Better barrel life
Same wind drift at 1000yrds
More bullet to do more work
Only gives up ~125fps at 1000yrds

.25-7prc 133berger .311g7

6um 115dtacnr .292g7 3250fps

Recoil is bison balistics
Ab g7's
Hornady calculator 10mph wind 7000ft default environment
6.5prc 153.5 berger .349g7 (or156 or 150smk) 2850fps
Less recoil
Brass and ammo on the shelf
Better barrel life
Same wind drift at 1000yrds
More bullet to do more work
Only gives up ~125fps at 1000yrds

.25-7prc 133berger .311g7

6um 115dtacnr .292g7 3250fps

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