Who’s still running balance beams?

I have used both, I gave up on the beam it’s just too slow. I have been using a chargemaster lite for stick powder and a cheap rcbs thrower for ball powder. I’m to the point where I don’t even want to waste time with the chargemaster. I just used the thrower to load up 500 rounds using a stick powder and I can’t see enough difference to justify the time spent with the charge master. I can’t imagine going back to trickling on a beam, my time is better spent shooting.
Use both, 3 different beam scales, shows 3 different weights on the digital. 2 different digitals and they show different weights. Really close but no 2 show the same. Usually within 1-2 tenths. I like both. I set my throwers with ball powder with the beam scale. Use the digitals for stick powder.
I use the Hornady Lock-N-Load Auto charge and then check on my RCBS beam scale. Check and double check for me.

Yes I use a beam scale still.
a lyman that was bought in 1964 is somewhere on my bench. it has not been out since.........'99 or so. just too slow to load a hundred a day for a week end.
My dad got me in to reloading at a pretty young age and he always had quality equipment by that being said he always used balance beams for powder measuring. Once I started buying my own equipment, the millennial in me thought I had to have a digital scale so I could see an actual number read out instead of tick marks on the beam.

I went the cheap route ($150) and tried both an RCBS and hornady.

Quickly realized the negatives like constantly having to watch and zero out the scale during loading sessions, letting the unit warm up a half hour before using it. I really like to throw a charge just under, and trickle every time and with a digital it just seemed like it was inconsistent. Trickle 2 or 3 kernels and nothing 1 more and Bam .1 or .2 too heavy.

So back to the Beam that’s older than I am. She’s not as sexy as digitals, but she always works.

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I like using my balance beam scale
I‘m old school and like a beam. Has anyone had a 10-10 reworked for better dampening? I hear there’s a guy who tunes them up - just the American ones. I’d be interested to hear how it speeds them up.

Guys that just flop powder down and watch it swing back and forth could cut their time in half with better technique.

I always accepted powder tricklers were designed well, but one that works for all powder shapes is just too fine for large extruded powders. This winter I’m going to experiment with different thread pitches and hopefully find one that lines up the powder like sausage links and each 1/4 turn spits out the same amount.
Beam scale for me and then double checked on RCBS electronic pocket scale.
Time consuming but I am anal about safety and enjoy precision ammunition even in my hunting rifles.
Beam scale for me and then double checked on RCBS electronic pocket scale.
Time consuming but I am anal about safety and enjoy precision ammunition even in my hunting rifles.

I’ve done some cross checking. What I find interesting is that near as I can tell, my 505 is more precise than any scale I own (all with resolution to 0.1gr). If it’s 45.2 on the balance, it’s always 45.2 on the digital. But if I make 45.2 on digital, it’s not always a perfect balance on the beam, might be high or low. Can easily see less than 0.1 on a clean beam scale.

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Still running the beam. Tried a digital once, and wasted my money. Just yesterday I broke the "handle" on the powder pan. Now I have to wait for RCBS to send me a new one.
Beam with check weights. I usually check and tare at the start of a session or when I am switching more then 20-25gr.
Balance beam for me. I've dabbled with electronic but had some issues. Reloading is my quiet time in my shop. I wish the balance beam was slower honestly.
I’m never in a hurry when I reload. I weigh every single charge on a beam scale and I double check each case after I’m done with the block of charging and before seating the bullets.