Who's Moose Hunting Alaska 2021?!?

That’ll be pretty cool. Last minute trips are fun. Don’t do it like me and plan them years and years before Then have to go through all the pain and suffering waiting for you your time to shine LOL

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I had 6 months to plan last time, now I have 2. Atleast I have all the right gear and can pack lighter this time
I started a thread similar to this last year as I was getting ready for my first Alaska experience... It was one I'll never forget. Unfortunately I won't be going back this year but am already booked for the 2022 season.

I thought it would be cool to start a thread for all the guys headed up north this year for moose and bounce things off one another. Not that this will help trying to get through the next couple months without going crazy thinking about the hunt haha.

Thank God traveling won't be as chaotic as it was last year with covid tests and travel permits.

I'm living through all you guys this year so lets keep the anticipation high and good luck to all!
We’re haded to southeast AK to bow hunt moose. Trying to start getting the gear and clothing all situated. Been shooting the bow out to 50 yards. Just need more space to work out farther distances.
Not sure if this is the right thread.. sorry if it’s not. I’m new here. Looking for suggestions on what everyone keeps on their person at all times while hunting (gear wise.. what’s in your pockets, on your belt, etc.. and not in the pack). I’m going moose bow hunting in the fall and curious what you guys do/ recommend? We will be on horses and there’s time the packs stay with the horses if we head out on a stalk for a bull. I always keep a headlamp, knife, pair of gloves if I’m not wearing them, binos with range finder and wind indicator on my kuiu Bino harness and a lighter in my pocket. For this area there are grizzlies and black bears so I will keep my ruger Alaska .44 on my hip or chest. What are your set ups/ preferences?
Was invited to go to Kuiu on a boat with a buddy of mine who knows a charter captain. No idea of how it will be. Looking forward to everything except the 2 day boat trip each way.
Charter boat captain CANCELED our hunt. So, Jeff is going OTC for elk in CO, I am going to Nebraska for whitetail now. No moose for us. And no sucky boat ride now either.
Less than 3 weeks to go. Renfro’s. Mailed gear earlier this week. Rest is piled up ready to go. Ready as long as virus doesn’t trip us up.

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Wow that’s awesome. I can only hope to do it a few years in a row. Is there someone in Tok that can freeze the meat? I know 40 MA only have a walk in fridge.
Yes, there is meat freezing available in Tok. I don't use it as I live close but I haven't heard complaints from those that have.
Good luck to all the hunters out there! 1 year ago today I left to Alaska with my father and uncle for the trip of our lives! It was everything I wanted that trip to be, and some! Good luck especially to all the first time moose hunters! It’s a special feeling making that trip for the first time. I’ll never forget it!



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Good luck to all the hunters out there! 1 year ago today I left to Alaska with my father and uncle for the trip of our lives! It was everything I wanted that trip to be, and some! Good luck especially to all the first time moose hunters! It’s a special feeling making that trip for the first times. I’ll never forget it

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nice bulls. we leave for AK in the morning. hoping for success again. last year my son took this guy on our father son trip,, hoping to see his brother! ditto on good luck to all the other roksliders heading out!IMG_5413_heic.jpg
You guys are pouring gas on an already overheated situation. We leave for Bethel a week from tomorrow. Good hunting everyone and stay safe! Bring us pictures.

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September sure came out of nowhere. Hopefully get stuff together Monday and get it shipped out early next week. Plan to fly to Bethel next Friday to start the party. Talked to my brother last night, he said it's looking like another very target-rich environment for you PB guys! LOTS of rain in the forecast, but the leaves are starting to turn at the house and it's feeling like moose season. Best of luck this year everyone!

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You guys are pouring gas on an already overheated situation. We leave for Bethel a week from tomorrow. Good hunting everyone and stay safe! Bring us pictures.

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Haha I know! The anticipation is almost unbearable

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Dad, brother, and myself leave in 1 week. First time for us all. Cant wait! Cant count how many times ive packed and unpacked my gear. Lol

Good luck to everyone else going!