Who's from WI, where at?

BHA pint night in Menomonie, WI

July 25th 7:00 at Stout Ale House in Menomonie.
There will be a DNR tax law specialist there talking about MFL and FCL.
Plan on Q&A after he gets done speaking.

Should be a fun night.
If you can't come...make sure to spread the word to friends over on the western side of the state.
I hope to be there. Will be just getting back from MT so we'll see.

BHA pint night in Menomonie, WI

July 25th 7:00 at Stout Ale House in Menomonie.
There will be a DNR tax law specialist there talking about MFL and FCL.
Plan on Q&A after he gets done speaking.

Should be a fun night.
If you can't come...make sure to spread the word to friends over on the western side of the state.
Good deal Les. Looks like we have 22 RSVP'd to it so far and I'm sure there are going to be quite a few more.
Should be a fun night!
From the Plymouth area, between Fond du lac and Sheboygan. I would be interested as its more motivating with others. Continue to plug away for an upcoming UT Goat, NM Elk, and WY elk hunts. Nothing like putting a pack on for training and finding the biggest hills (in this area) one can.
From Sheboygan. Peter if you would like to do some hiking let me know. Doing CO for deer and elk this year. have done MT. Looking into WY elk next year. Maybe you can tell me about WY as well.
I'm from Mount Calvary (Fond du lac area). I would interested in doing some hiking, training, or shooting bows. Parnell tower trail is a pretty good place to hike or trail run.

I'm not doing a western hunt this year, but would be interested in doing some waterfowl hunting in the area.

Anyways, I'm game to tag along for just about anything if anyone needs another guy.
jgreen, I would be interested in hiking. I am planning on do a lot more in September with a full pack to get ready for Colorado elk. I just did a 10 mile hike and am doing a group hike labor day weekend. After that I can hike around here. PM if interested.
Just caught this for the first time. From Oconto Falls just north of Green Bay. Not much time to get together to hike or shoot anymore this year, 19 days and counting!

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Tagging this thread. I live in Fox Valley area, originally from Northern Wisconsin. Good luck to those hitting the woods this weekend as part of the orange army

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Kicking this dead horse.

From Viroqua/ La Crosse area. lived in Saukville for about 5 years. Just started using a bow to hunt whitetail this year so that's a big relearning event for me. used to shoot a lot of bow as a kid.
Spring Valley, WI. I will be out west this year for archery of some sort. Not sure what state, animal, or who I'm with, but I will be making it happen!
Rice Lake area for me. Originally from Central Nebraska but have lived in the Rice Lake area since 2011. I have a scouting trip out west coming up in June and will be starting the weighted pack training soon.

I'm just south of you in Spring Valley. If you are ever looking for a hunting partner out West, let me know!
Glenwood City, WI. Office in Hudson and St. Paul.

I’m headed to CO for archery elk in September then again for rifle deer.

Great group of people on here!!

Thanks, Matt