Who's from WI, where at?

I live in Neenah, but likely to be moving to Green Bay this summer. Heading out to Wyoming this fall for elk!

Location: The Cargo Bike Shop 1404 Williamson St. Madison, WI

Time: 7:30pm to 11pm

BYOB. There are great places to get food nearby. Carry-in or delivery food is fine.

In general it isn't really structured, just trying to get people of similar mindset together. Whether you have been West before or not, you are welcome. Learn, share, meet new people.

Encouraged to bring gear (packs, clothing, shelters, etc.) so others can check it out. No firearms please.

If you have books or magazines that you are cool with lending, bring 'em.

If you have any specific questions message me here. I'll check once a day and respond to all. Shop is getting busy so please be patient.
Baraboo. Wish I’d made the March 16th event in Madison. Anyone want to train in the Baraboo Hills?

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Any interest in a Devil's Lake hike the weekend of May 12th? I am free either day. I currently run a SO Unaweep, interested in checking out other packs since it's tough to see them around here. PM or text if interested (262) 470-5010. Just a reminder that Sunday is Mother's Day too
Late to the party on this one. Reedsburg. Just getting back to Rokslide after creeping articles last year and picking up some used gear. Last semester of nursing school this fall and baby on the way due July. Won't leave me much time for whitetail this fall but already plan on going to Colorado fall of '19 with my old man and some retired guys with horses for rifle. Bow hunting is my passion though and primary focus. Dad hit what he said was "the biggest bull he's ever seen", "well over 300' ", "it was a damn herd bull" in the no man's land triangle so it dropped, got up, and hit the woods before he killed it. Poor guy has been going out there 30 some years. I was last out about 13 years ago on a cow muzzleloader tag in the Routt NF.

So anyways... hello all!
How many are looking at going to the Full Draw Film Tour in Madison August 1st? I'm thinking about it unless they add a stop in Green Bay. Anyone have any insight if they will be adding anymore dates in the state?