You're telling me! My justification a year ago, "If I have to get married, at least it should be in CO in the mountains in the fall!". The reality for the rest of my life, "There goes a prime weekend in the middle of hunting season!" Guess I will just have to up my efforts to make her a hunter
I am hunting them in South Dakota with my bow where I am stationed and then I always put in for my home state of MT for rifle tag. Now I just found out I won a guided hunt in New Mexico for this August through Championship Bowhunting. So it could be a busy year for speed goats for me if I actually draw MT.
Waiting to see if I have drawn a 'loper tag here in Montana. I truely enjoy speed goat hunting as it is a real fun hunt. I drew last year but have no illusions of drawing this year. Will find out in August when 'loper draw results are posted. How about a few replies regarding firearms and calibers used. I hunt them with my Remington XP-100R in a 260AI caliber with a hand load using Nosler 100 grain Ballistic Tips. Great load and more than capable to drop a speed goat as long as I do my part. MTG
I have a new to me Ruger M77 in 257 Roberts. I just sighted in some 100gr Ballistic Tips and am even more excited for 'lope season. I am also excited for deer season!
Opening day of pronghorn and I'm stuck in CA for a wedding!! Anyone see much yesterday or anyone heading out tomorrow? Or by the time most of you see this... Today
I drew a Nebraska rifle tag this year. I have ever Antelope hunted as I grew up back east but after a couple scouting sessions I am really excited for the hunt. I am realizing that no matter how many field judging articles you read they are still a real challenge to judge on the hoof. Especially in an are that has very few slammers that you know when you see. Sorting through 11-14" animals is tough...