An early mentor told me when I first started, "David, try and kill whatever you have an opportunity at. Bull or cow. Doesnt matter. Get used to the process. From field to table. It's a process. Get used to killing, field dressing and packing. Your time will come for big screaming bulls"As a rookie archer, I feel like if I have a shot on a cow I should probably take it. While I would love to take a bull, my pride needs to be smaller than the meat in the freezer.
So I listened and went on a cow killing spree killing cows the next 3 years straight. I was trying to call bulls and cows kept coming in. But that's OK. I quickly put myself in the 10 percent club and was eating elk while others were eating tag soup. The 4th year I killed the bull in my avatar. A nice 320 + bull that fell where I took that photo. So I would echo what he told me when I first got started.