justin davis
Years ago I figured out by doing my own tests that fletching my arrows with 4 vanes instead of 3 vanes seems to produce an arrow that is more forgiving and accurate. Anyone else use 4 fletch?
I used to do them that way. Found out the only real advantage was that you could pull one out of the quiver and place it on the string. And either way, it was right. No looking to make sure the cock feather was up, bown, or side ways. No upside down, down side up, or bass ackwards problems to worry about.
I have never tried a 4 fletch set up. I understand the increased drag of 4 vanes over 3 will aid in stabilization, providing it is an increase of overall vane surface area. How does a 4 fletch low profile act vs. 3 fletch blazer with a smaller broadhead like a sliktrick? Just curious if this is a path worth exploring or a task in fustration. Any notable difference in arrow velocity?
When you guys are setting up 4 fletch do you install them straight or helical?