Who "owns" the threads on RS?

So I guess this isn’t what you were thinking


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How many harlequin novels do you read? What title would you give that one?
There’s way too many to quote on here but…some of the mullet ones are 🔥 and only “6 more weeks of memes” lol. If it were only true.

I was surprised when I checked in this morning there was still an R in my name.

I miss hunting season when forum traffic crashes 😞

Yep, it's cheap entertainment.
I'm getting back in the trapping game, Martin tree sets, ground sets for coyotes, Fox, and bobcats. Need a reason to get outside in the off season.
I have already gotten my sets checked today.

Got some mineral to put out yet, then I might get the Meme Machine fired up.

Or go shoot, it's actually a nice day.
See what still needs to get dropped.