That's correct, but it is only half the story.When the idiots on the right do idiotic things, they point their idiotic fingers at the idiots on the left.
That's correct, but it is only half the story.When the idiots on the right do idiotic things, they point their idiotic fingers at the idiots on the left.
No, I understand. Just pointing out the mind set of those people. They must control everybody.No. I don't think you understand what you are up against. I don't think you understand Marxism and the people who are neurologically wired to influence other people. They can't leave you alone. They never will. Marxism is hell on Earth.
They didnt want the Truth to be revealed.Do you think he did that? And the left is always condemning so-called conspiracy theories from the right........SMH. Watch his speech.........never did he do such a thing. Now, could he have organized a group on FB or the dark web to do that? Who knows? But apparently the left doesn't operate on conspiracy theories.........where's the proof. The leftist media kept spouting "Trump's claims of election fraud.......without any evidence", when there was plenty of evidence abounding........even provided by these states themselves. States even claimed themselves that they changed the election laws without their own state legislatures doing it.......that's not Constitutional, and in the wake of an election........fraud. But when it comes to "proof" to charge Trump for inciting a riot.......they apparently don't need any. He'll be charged and impeached by leftist and establishment opinion.
Trump's rally had nothing to do with Biden's inauguration.......that's not until the 20th. The rally was to protest the certification of the elector's results. They didn't even need Trump for that, the problems with the election were pretty obvious to all even if Trump didn't exist.
I just can't stop thinking about this story. I think it is fascinating. I've posted this around the internet and no one has ever commented on it...I find that very interesting, but maybe I'm just biased (i know i am).I think you are certainly onto something there. I keep thinking about this story (below). An active duty commissioned officer, with presumably a high level security clearance, and a PSYOP MOS and assigned to an SF unit is leading a raid on the capitol building??!! "Was she really acting on her own?"...seems like serious bad judgement for someone in her specific situation/training. "Was she running an op and got caught?"...maybe? Have we ever seen psyops doing political ops in other countries? Why not here in US?
Here is an article that she wrote 6-7 months ago.
Do’s and Don’ts for being a Republican or Democrat in the military
The below guidance is factual; however, the examples and stylized commentary belong to the writer and do not express the sentiments of the Department
Just to answer this question, as a former Paralegal in the JAG Corps for the Air Force, there isn't much here for them to charge under the UCMJ. She had the right, as a civilian, to attend these type of events. There are rules in place that you have to follow and I haven't read anything where she broke those rules. Now if she gets charged with something on the civilian side, the Military can ask for jurisdiction and charge here under the UCMJ, but the civilian prosecutors would have to agree to give away the right to prosecute.I just can't stop thinking about this story. I think it is fascinating. I've posted this around the internet and no one has ever commented on it...I find that very interesting, but maybe I'm just biased (i know i am).
Option 1: The story in the MSM about this is true. An SF psoyp officer is so bothered by what she sees going on that she puts her career on the line and engages on a raid on the capital while congress is actively engaged in a very sensitive national issue. That is interesting that this is the type/sort/caliber of person engaged in this sort of activity. What does she know from intel? What has she seen? Do they throw the UCMJ at her? Does she walk? Interesting?
Option 2: She was running a "pied piper" sort of operation (reichstag fire event) and got caught? on accident? on purpose? what org/person was she involved with? domestic group/organization? foreign group? An SF psyop person doing this is very interesting to me. Where is she in a few years?
To tie it back to this thread, all the social media companies start purging people from their platforms.
Ive seen these various videos that show both (1) raiders fighting capital police and (2) other videos showing capital police opening gates and letting them in. Very interesting.
That's correct, but it is only half the story.
So long before the White House incident, those that organized using SM and literally burned business, killed business owners, shot cops, occupied cities, pissed and shit in streets - and those followers on SM who encouraged it, cheered it...I am not sure, maybe they did and if not they should have. I think this particular situation crossed the line and got everyone's attention. I hope going forward they will able to define and communicate more clearly what their policy is and a commitment to acting on that policy without discrimination and equally regardless of party, affiliation etc.
How many have died during the antifa and blm riots. As far as the DC capital, I have not heard how the officer died yet? Just curious. I know the one lady protester was shot inside the capital. But have not heard how the other four people died? Just curious.How many police officers died during the kavanaugh hearings, and which elected official organized that group and sent them there. Do tell.
Likely follows the political science of Covid as "probable" deaths just for the political optic.How many have died during the antifa and blm riots. As far as the DC capital, I have not heard how the officer died yet? Just curious. I know the one lady protester was shot inside the capital. But have not heard how the other four people died? Just curious.
My understanding is that she had resigned her commission as of October or thereabouts- but has yet to ETS so she would still be subject to UCMJ, in my experience. I had a solider who as part of a random 10% company piss test the week before he went on terminal leave had a positive for marijuana result come back while he was on terminal leave. He was article 15d at the company level. Lost half his remaining pay.Just to answer this question, as a former Paralegal in the JAG Corps for the Air Force, there isn't much here for them to charge under the UCMJ. She had the right, as a civilian, to attend these type of events. There are rules in place that you have to follow and I haven't read anything where she broke those rules. Now if she gets charged with something on the civilian side, the Military can ask for jurisdiction and charge here under the UCMJ, but the civilian prosecutors would have to agree to give away the right to prosecute.
This is very interesting for sure.
Yes you are absolutely right. She is still subject to the UCMJ until she is officially separated. Same rules apply for attending rally's and such.My understanding is that she had resigned her commission as of October or thereabouts- but has yet to ETS so she would still be subject to UCMJ, in my experience. I had a solider who as part of a random 10% company piss test the week before he went on terminal leave had a positive for marijuana result come back while he was on terminal leave. He was article 15d at the company level. Lost half his remaining pay.
of course all of this UCMJ talk less fun than imagining all kinds of wild scenarios. If she was hotter, I might imagine a few wild scenarios too.
If elected officials organized those riots that occurred following the peaceful protests, then I'd be calling for their resignation as well. But they didn't.How many have died during the antifa and blm riots. As far as the DC capital, I have not heard how the officer died yet? Just curious. I know the one lady protester was shot inside the capital. But have not heard how the other four people died? Just curious.
\. As far as the DC capital, I have not heard how the officer died yet? Just curious.
If a member is truly separated, they are not subject to the UCMJ. What typically happens is what is going on with this officer. You can retire, but have 30 days of leave still to use. So you retire/separate, but are still on Active duty for 30 days, until your leave is up. That is what likely happened with the O-5 you are talking about.UCMJ can reach to separated members as well, depending upon their actual "status".
I saw an 0-5 brought back to active duty from retirement just so he could be given an Article 15.
A lot will hinge upon how the commanders "see" the Trump rally and Capitol Hill protest. If they declare the entire episode an "insurrection", they will proceed with UCMJ actions. That will be very telling in how senior military leadership view that day.
Most military members will "plea" down to Article 15 punishment to avoid Court Martial (reminds me of ambitious prosecutors who overcharge just to get a plea bargain down and easy conviction). Being convicted in a Court Martial would most likely result in the loss of all benefits, essentially a federal felony conviction, and loss of ability to own/possess guns. Few want to gamble with that prospect.
I sat on a General Court Martial as a young 0-1...witnessed the 0-6 bullying the enlisted members into a conviction. Left a sour taste and a distrust of the system. Best to avoid those situations...