Who carries a saw?

Jan 11, 2016
Broomfield, CO
Depends on the trip. I have a Bob Dustrude 24", a 14" Silky non-folding, and 7.5 inch Banco Laplander. If its a larger group (3 or more) and we have the tipi and plan to use the stove much (or if we have horses or horse support), I really like the Bob Dustrude. Last year we backpacked in with it, knowing we were planning on cooking on the woodburning tipi stove. We ended up having both filters (one brand new) for our Katadyn base camp water filter crap out on the first day, and ended up boiling most of our water for treatment on the tipi stove. Can't imagine what we would have done without it. I very sturdy, collapsible 24" blade bucksaw that weighs 1.1 lb is pretty nice to have on occasion! That said, both the Silky and the little Laplander are pretty impressive saws depending on what you are planning on doing.....