Who brings a multi tool?

I carry a Leathermen Wave. The same one I've had for 15 years. There is just no substitute for a set of pliers in the field when you need them. I'm tempted by the Skeletool, but it does not have a saw....which is also really useful.

I wish they would make a skeletool with the bow hunter in mind. Pliers, Blade, Saw, and a few of the common allen keys would be perfect.
I broke a blade on my havalon then cut myself pretty good changing it. Now I carry a leather man super tool. I bit heavy but I already had it so I figured why buy another one.
Knive and a leatherman wave for me. The wave is a gear back up and I like to use some of the tools to help get the hide off from around some of the difficult horn and antler bases.
I carry a Leathermen Wave. The same one I've had for 15 years. There is just no substitute for a set of pliers in the field when you need them. I'm tempted by the Skeletool, but it does not have a saw....which is also really useful.

I wish they would make a skeletool with the bow hunter in mind. Pliers, Blade, Saw, and a few of the common allen keys would be perfect.

Not exactly what you're looking for, but some archery specific tools without too much extra weight:

I carry a leatherman. The little bits you can buy are awesome. They have every Allen you will need for your bow. I switched from a Wave to Mut this year, but the Mut is not a lightweight tool.
I always carry a Leatherman, I forget which model. It stays on my waist belt. I find it is much safer to use pliars to change Havalon blades when you have bloody, slippery hands. My trekking poles can use a tightening once in a while too.

+1 for the leatherman wave. It is a tad bit on the heavy side but man, it will do whatever you want. I also carry the bit set with it---you can pretty much do anything on a rifle that may come up.

On a side note----a couple of years ago, I shot a really nice bull elk at the bottom of a canyon. My bro was with me and we had left our packs at the top for the final stalk in. Well, that turned out to be a huge mistake as it ended up being a longer stalk and the packs ended up 800 feet vertical above us at the top. When we got to the elk, I looked at my brother and said, "You got a knife?" He said, "Yeah, it's in my pack." And pointed at the top. So..................I ended up quartering and dressing the huge bull with my leatherman wave. It actually worked great.

I carry a SOG pocket power plier, their most basic version with minimal tools, pliers, knife, file, flat and phillips screw heads, can/bottle opener, awl head. Pliers are a huge help in the field, I've used them often to help turn the heads on animals while skinning, is a huge help when turning the paws on bears.
I carry a Leatherman Wave. I carry it because it is one of the few multi tools that you can open the blade one-handed, and without opening the whole tool. The Wave can open two blades, one serrated and one not, using only one hand.
I used to carry a multitool, but only ever really used the pliers. I just pack some needle nosed pliers now, and works fine for me.
I also love the Wave. I have three, and three old models Leathermans. I have them everywhere. In every pack, in the truck, in my desk drawer. Million and one uses.
I have the origional Leatherman with the tool adapter that clips in between the handles when its closed. It accepts standard 1/4 hex bits and can be angled about 4 ways. I hope I never lose it because they are hard/impossible to find.
as a side note though, a Leatherman with a Havalon type removable blade would be the cats ass....