I’ve heard of it occasionally on whitetail but never seen it in person. Sika deer have the remnants of ivories as well; they are more closely related to elk than whitetail.
I euro'd one this past fall that had them, well only one by the time I realized it. They didn't even stack out of the gum line. Had heard of it and seen pictures, but that was definitely the first one I had seen in person.
Killed in Western VA. Taxidermist has only seen 2, he said he hasn't seen it on a caped skull, only after it's cleaned (of the 2). Thinking they don't puncture the tissue, so a little hard to tell how many actually have it.
Pretty certain it's enamel like a tooth, not an ivory.
After getting it out I see one is missing now. I thought they had both been glued into place so they wouldn't be lost. Little disappointing. Hopefully it turns up but I doubt it at this point.
I found a deadhead this weekend here in Wyoming with some pretty good ones! It's a first for me, im taking it to be beetle cleaned to keep as a conversation piece