White Sulphur Springs, Montana

Jun 18, 2023
Will be doing a Elk hunt Thanksgiving week in White Sulphur Springs. What weather conditions can I expect? Will be hunting at around 7000 feet.
^^This. Last yr it was -20 with a foot of snow two weeks before Thanksgiving over there. That being said, last winter around here was the 3rd coldest on record if I recall.
My buddy and I were hunting just southwest of white sulphur about 4 years ago and it was so cold and windy we never got out of the pickup. Not sure what the temps were but it had to be -50° with the windchill.
Last year Thanksgiving week it was below Zero cold. Year before not so much. One thing you can count on its always windy.
Anything from -20 to mid 30s or warmer. I would be prepared to be chained up if you are driving much, especially anything around King's Hill or further north.
Hunted it last year. Make sure to bring 4 chains, tow straps and a long handle shovel. Multiple people stuck. A wood burning stove with pre cured wood was not optional, it was a must. The area has a ski resort outside of town so that should tell you how much it can snow. I did have a great hunt though.
Get a pair of Johnson wool pants or Filson wool pants. Merino wool under layers and a good pair of pack boots. WSS is a wind belt. Some days you dont bother to hunt due to wind and cold. Your eyes just cry ice tears from the wind while glassing. :cry: Or it could be 40 degrees no wind and you shoot a 330” bull by 8:00 am. Then you sip whiskey and sit in hot springs the rest of the trip.
Got a room at that hotel
Last time I was there it was a bit dated, but good place to stay. Since you're going with an outfitter, they should have all the truck/sno-mo/road gear. Just bring clothes for all the way from stupid cold and miserable to 50s and sunny.

All around WSS is great elk country, share some pics!