White Sands Missile Range Oryx 101

They have the same gas station that everyone else in New Mexico Allsups, has with the half ass burritos.

They taste good, but give you half ass indigestion.
Hey now. I know you picked up and moved outta this shit state but don’t go bad mouthing those tasty deep fried diarrhea inducing Allsup’s burritos. They’ve been helping New Mexicans cure hangovers since 1963. Coincidentally that was the last time they changed the fryer oil that they’re cooked in too.
Went on this hunt with a buddy about 4 years ago. Wasnt hard to find critters. We hired a local guide to walk us through the process and it was worth every penny. He shot a great bull and we had a great time. Keep in mind, the heat will crush you if you aren’t used to it.

Had an F-16 fly over us at about 300 feet and tipped his wing to see what we were doing. super cool!!
Hey now. I know you picked up and moved outta this shit state but don’t go bad mouthing those tasty deep fried diarrhea inducing Allsup’s burritos. They’ve been helping New Mexicans cure hangovers since 1963. Coincidentally that was the last time they changed the fryer oil that they’re cooked in too.
Poverty state with beautiful scenery, beautiful women and good food.

Hunting can be great if you can get a tag.
I got 1 about 380 yds off the road. They watch you from 500 yards away, & they know you're there. They are skittish and don't stick around long. Don't wait to shoot. They will be gone. It's an Orange road hunt.
Great post, like many, hoping to draw a tag some day.

Love that part of the state and a good Allsups fried green chili burrito. If it messes with your system you need to eat a little dirt to strengthen things up a bit. ;)
A good deer cart saved our butt so we could haul out whole.That was when you couldn't take pics inside base.
Great post, like many, hoping to draw a tag some day.

Love that part of the state and a good Allsups fried green chili burrito. If it messes with your system you need to eat a little dirt to strengthen things up a bit. ;)
My wife calls them Diarrhea Taco Truck dirty. I still love them.
Going to pull in to the Socorro Gun Range tomorrow afternoon?
Decent place? seems like it's open to the public
I'm open if anyone has any other recommendations, I have some steel in my truck
Stallion Range did not disappoint!!
Driving home, but can add more details later.



Stallion is great. It is flat, has low sage brush unlike Small Missile Range and Rhodes Canyon. SMR has some sage on the pass near Las Cruces. You should see quite a few pronghorns as well.

It is the easiest place to "see oryx". I have never hunted up there, I would imagine it is the easiest place to kill one if you can shoot 300-400 yards.

It doesn't really matter where they tell you to go there are oryx there. SMR gets pretty thin on the ground as you get farther east out onto the White Sands.

When you get to San Antonio do a proper green chili cheese burger New Mexico taste test and let us know if you think the Owl is better than the Buckhorn. I personally do not like the Owl, but the Owl is a hell of a lot better than anything in Hatch.

The fries suck at both of them.
Great info. I can’t wait until I draw. I hear some outstanding meat