White Box M80 ammo


Apr 24, 2018
Arroyo City, Tx
Bought some WW white box M80 ammo at Walmart for plinking.
Shot 2 rounds out of a Ruger American 308 and both rounds locked the bolt, had to force the handle up and back to remove the fired casing. Fired a couple of other brand rounds,normal rifle function. Repeated process with a Encore 308, no extraction except with range rod, even fired casing wont extract from either rifle, other ammo works fine. Assume ammo problem. Thoughts?
I have m80 that for the most part requires a decent bang on the way on up on the bolt more times than not. I’m several hundred rounds in, don’t see an issue really
Looks like you’re shooting 7.62x51 out of a 308win bolt gun. Risky Business….pressure spikes are expanding brass for heavy bolt lift. I would discontinue using it in those rifles…..that ammo is designed to feed an AR10
You pushed those rifles to their max tolerance but I’m sure they’re alright….

Also Note: never shoot 5.56x45 out of a .223rem chambered bolt gun. Unless you’re handloading & calmed the powder charge down for the 5.56 brass
I’m honestly suprised that Winchester is selling 7.62 ammo that would pressure spike in a .308 win bolt gun in current times with Lawsuits etc……
I just shot a box of that out of my RAP in 308. Zero issues mechanically but it groups like absolute garbage. 2.5" at 100 yards.

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M80 is good stuff. .65/round. You get reliable enough target practice, with brass to reload.