Which TRIPOD???

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
What size tipi is that in the review article?

The tripod looks pretty good, think I will give it a try.

Its the GoLite SL-3. The tripod is too short to work as a center pole for the SL-5. The Sl-3 is 1.5 pounds with 60 sq ft of space to be a great way to get two or 3 guys out of the weather for an unexpected night out, and its also my solo shelter.


Feb 26, 2012
Colorado Springs,CO
Its the GoLite SL-3. The tripod is too short to work as a center pole for the SL-5. The Sl-3 is 1.5 pounds with 60 sq ft of space to be a great way to get two or 3 guys out of the weather for an unexpected night out, and its also my solo shelter.

Well, I have the SL-5 so I may have to get creative.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Well, I have the SL-5 so I may have to get creative.

Can always use a set of trekking poles. In fact I have only used the center pole I think 3 of the 50+ nights I have used the SL-5. No reason to haul the extra 10 oz of a center pole along when the trekking poles fit the bill just as well and you can use them on the way out with a heavy load of meat .:D


Feb 28, 2012
I have been doing a bunch of research and want a do all lightweight tripod and head under three pounds that is compact but I can still use while standing using a straight scope. I found the Slim 634 cf which seems to fit the bill perfect. Do any of you have any insight or reviews on these? The scope mounted on it will be a straight Swarovski STM 80mm HD. Thanks.




I have been packing way to much weight for an old guy. I need to lighten my load so I can keep up with my hunting partners. Much of the excess weight is in video equipment and tripods. I have been packing a miller 1501 with a miller DS20 head. It weighs in at about 10 lbs. I also carry a sony hxrnx5u digital video camcorder with four batteries, to put on the tripod. As I have passed fifty I have found myself taking my wifes bog pod instead of the big miller. The bog pod is not adequate for the camcorder, but it is much lighter. So I am now at the point of acquiring a new tripod. I have read all the reviews on Roksilde, and other places, and I still do not have a new tripod. However, I have compiled some information that may be helpful to others. Here it is.

Manufacture--- capacity-- height -- weight -- folded length -- legs -- price-- carbon /alum

gitzo 0541----- 11 lbs------ 55.9----- 1.7 lbs---- 18.9-------- 4------ 540--- carbon***
gitzo 1531--- - 17.6-------- 61------- 2.5------- 24.4-------- 3------ 620--- carbon
gitzo 1542t---- 15.4--- ---- 58.7----- 2.2------- 16.7-------- 4------ 820--- carbon

induro ct014 - - 11--- ----- 55.1------ 2.1------- 18.1 ------- 4 ----- 300--- carbon
induro ct113 - - 17.6 ------ 58.7------ 2.7 ------ 22.8 ------- 3 ----- 327 --- carbon

benro c-0580 - 11 --- ------ 54.1 ---- 2.1------- 17.6 -------- 4 ----- 251--- carbon
benro c-0180 - 13.2 --- ---- 49.6 ---- 1.5 ------- 17.3-------- 4 ----- 288 --- carbon ***
benro c-1580 - 17.6 --- ---- 58.7 ---- 2.6------- 19.3 -------- 4 ----- 290 --- carbon
benro a-0180 - 13.2 --- ---- 49.6 ---- 2 --------- 17.3-------- 4 ----- 107 --- aluminum
benro a-1190 - 17.6 --- ---- 52.6 ---- 2.4 ------- 16.3 ------- 5 - ---- 142 --- aluminum

oben ct-2300 - 11 --- ------ 58.5 ---- 2.2 ------- 21 --------- 3 ------ 300 --- carbon
oben ct-2310 - 17.6--- ----- 62.2----- 2.5 ------ 22.8 -------- 3 ------ 340 --- carbon

slik pro634 -- - 7.1 --- ----- 63.1----- 2.1 ------- 18 --------- 4 ------ 250--- carbon

neomax 250 --- 6.6 --- ----- 55 ------ 2.3 ------- 11 ---------- ------- 60 ---- aluminum

vanguard225ct- 6.6 -------- 41.7 ----- 1.8 ------ 13.6 ------- 5 --- ----------- aluminum

ultra max m ---- 4.4 -------- 54 ------ 2.03 ----- 14.2 ------- 5 -------- 145 --- aluminum***

promastert525 - 13.25 ------ 53-------- 2.3 ----- 14.3 ------- 4 -------- 300
promaster ----- 13.25 ------ 63 ------- 2.6 ------ 21.2 ------- 4 -------- 300

medium -------------------- 44 ------- 2.4 ------ 18.5 ------- 3 -------- 370 --- carbon***

ball heads
494--------8.82 lbs capacity at 0.71 lbs weight----$78
496-------13.23 lbs capacity at 0.71 lbs weight----$89****
496rc2---13.23 lbs capacity at 0.93 lbs weight-----$100
700rc2----5.51 lbs capacity at 1.15 lbs weight-----$110 video head, pans very nice good for glassing****

It is not a complete list, and I may have missed your favorite, but it dose contain some of the ones listed on Rokslide forms.

Notice that I did not include any tripod which weighed over 2.7 lbs, and I did not include the ones which did not extend to at least 41 inches.

The weight carrying capacity of the tripod is important, because you do not want your tripod to shake in the wind up on some high ridge, just as a huge one is headed out of sight. It also takes a lot more effort to glass for animals all day long if your scope is giggling. This can be as tiring as hiking.

It will be necessary to add a ball head to the tripod also. Than will be my next research project. I am leaning towards manfrotto 700 rc2, or the 494 luke mentions in his Rokslide article Velbon max review.
Check it out.

Some of the tripods are stinking expensive, but the people who have sacrificed to get them are happy with them. I guess they have to like them if they pay that much.

i am leaning towards the gitzo gt0541 or benro 0180 since they hold more weight and are the lightest

i like the manfrotto 496 ball head because it carries more weight and weighs 0.71
i like the 700rc2 because it is a video head, and i carry video stuff
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Feb 24, 2012
Great comparison, some brands I hadn't looked at that i'll be taking a look at now.


outdoors man has always been a great tripod and is used and tested by many guides


i will start a new thread on heads and research them/ called tripod heads compare
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Feb 24, 2012
Good idea, the manfrotto seems to be a good head for the price but I'm expecting you to add a few for me to consider :)