Yes Jeffpg but you got the newest doorHi Reaper, is that my stove that I got from you?
Or another one of yours?
My videoI couldn't find any updated videos of the stove either other than a quick 30secs of a fire burning in the new door. They didn't show much else. I believe it's only been out a few months,same with the baffle.
This is why when i was using the LOD stove i bought a damper-set from Seekoutside,no damper or collar for the pipe it was i hated about this stove.I've had a Lite Outdoors 18" stove with the new door and Ti rods for almost a year now and used it many times. I like it, but it isnt without its issues. It can certainly be a serious PITA to assemble and thew new door is heavy since it is all stainless. I also do not like the lack of a dedicated damper to connect the pipe to the stove body. It simply just sits in the hole in the body and mine is now bent to hell and back allowing a lot of smoke to leak out.
I think Id rather have the box stove from Seek Outside, but when I bought the Lite Outdoors it was much cheaper.