Birthday is coming up so I'm back on the hunt for a call. I appreciate all of the recommendations so far but what is everyone's favorite for under 50 bucks?
My favorite is a Halloran crystal mistress, unfortunately it’s $70, so a little over budget. I haven’t got to hunt it yet, but compared to the cheaper ones I’ve been using, it’s a night and day difference. I hope the turkeys feel the same way.
As a mainstream brand, woodhaven is hard to beat from pot calls to reeds but, there are many call makers out there that have great products. If you listen to many hen turkeys you will know it's not about the sound of the call so much as the timing and frequency! Good luck!
I'm still not sure why you want to change to pot calls....other than possibly try something new? There are a number of advantages to diaphragm calls. The first being that your hands are always free. You likely will be sorting through your stuff trying to find and ready a pot call vs always having a mouth call ready in your mouth. If you go without a blind there is always the chance turkeys can see you moving your striker and setting it down to make a shot. I'm not sure how many toms I've shot with a call in my mouth and shotgun in hands ready to shoot when a tom appears......this is impossible with a box or pot call.
An extra mouth call or 2 only takes up a tiny bit of space in my shirt pocket and pack. I haul enough stuff around that it's just one more thing lug around and loose a pot call and/or striker.
The most important advantage a mouth call has over a pot call is the number of different life-like calls you can make....also the ability to change tone, pitch, and loudness. If I cup my hand to my mouth I can also push sound behind me or be aggressive and put a lot of gusto into an aggressive call.....the list goes on with what you can do with a mouth call. If you have a couple different mouth calls you have even more options.
Lastly the very best mouth calls available usually run around $15 each. A decent pot call will likely cost easily over $50.
It obviously takes a lot of practice with mouth calls but well worth it to me!
Like I said, I've killed a lot of birds with mouth calls and want to try something new. Turkey hunting in the PNW isn't like how it is for a lot of guys back East. It's more like elk hunting. Big mountains and long hikes or drives where you call up or down drainages trying to locate birds is common, pot calls are much louder than mouth calls, at least they seem that way to me. Not too mention, I can leave a chew in while using a pot call . When I actually get set up on a bird I use mouth calls for the hands free aspect as well as minimizing movement, as you mentioned.
Thank you again for all of the recommendations. I ended up going with this one after talking to the old man who owns the company. Seems like a nice call and I like how it can be used when wet, which is common here in WA.
1 Wet Striker & 1 Dry Striker Included with Call Same pot as the Wet One Glass only a different color. This pot and slate combination has a true old raspy hen sound.
Whichever brand you choose, I'd recommend getting one that's pure slate, not glass, crystal, metal. I've tried many, and I always go back to my pure slate Paul Butski. I don't think they're made anymore, but it's the sweetest, most realistic friction call I've owned. I see that Cabelas has a Primos that's pure slate which looks identical to my Butski slate. It's only $15.99, and I'll bet it sounds better than all of those high dollar calls.
My favorite pot call is made by Bud and Betty turkey calls. I have a few other brands, but none really do much for me or the birds I chase. I typically use mouth reeds, but I do like that Bud and Betty call. I have 4 or 5 different wood strikers that I use until I get a hit from a tom. Then I stick with that striker until I play that bird out.
Don’t buy one just because the TV guys carry one. The only things I carry are a box call and two or three diaphragms. I Only carry a decoy once in a while. Don’t overthink it