Which Powder Dispenser?

I've heard the V3 was better than the V4, can anyone speak to that?

Also if you could get the rcbs matchmaster at say $600 is that worth saving $500 or is the v4 at around 1100 a better purchase?

But at that point I'd go straight to this option which to me looks the best.
Yep. I watched a decent “test” on YouTube. They threw charges with a Harrell, hornady, RCBS, autotrickler, and some other super expensive fancy deal. Tested ES and group size out to 600. Groups were essentially the same between them all…they came to the conclusion that the $XXXX setup was the best because of the precision of charges. I came to the conclusion that the harrells was the best because of the speed of loading and how little the precise charges seemed to matter down range 👍🏻

I came to the same conclusion, especially at the price point and time saved. Once the setting on the Harrells is recorded it doesn’t change based on temp, humidity, air movement, etc it just throws the same volume range every time.
Don’t know what your budget is but the ingenuity precision powder system is available for preorder. I ordered the complete system with the fx300i scale and his draft shield last night. The total ends up around $1700 with the scale but I’m looking forward to it from the videos I’ve seen on it it’s going to be worth it
Don’t know what your budget is but the ingenuity precision powder system is available for preorder. I ordered the complete system with the fx300i scale and his draft shield last night. The total ends up around $1700 with the scale but I’m looking forward to it from the videos I’ve seen on it it’s going to be worth it
Do you shoot competitively?
Do you shoot competitively?
I don’t, I try to shoot around 1000 rounds a month but it’s all for fun and practice for hunting. I was going to get an Autotrickler but after seeing the issues with the v4 and all the money spent on upgrades for it I held out for this. Yeah I definitely didn’t need it but I was looking to splurge somewhere and this thing was intriguing to me
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yeah but the chargemaster is slow.

I’ve had zero issues with making accurate ammo with a LEE perfect $30 drum measure. Verified with 20round groups at 600yds, RL16 and XBR thrown vs weighed/trickled. No perceptible difference on target.

The new dispensers like the IP are cool and super accurate but are they really going to improve your ammo, and get you hits? Most folks will assume so and never actually check, lots of folks would be really surprised if they did.

$1700 buys a lot of bullets and powder.
yeah but the chargemaster is slow.

I’ve had zero issues with making accurate ammo with a LEE perfect $30 drum measure. Verified with 20round groups at 600yds, RL16 and XBR thrown vs weighed/trickled. No perceptible difference on target.

The new dispensers like the IP are cool and super accurate but are they really going to improve your ammo, and get you hits? Most folks will assume so and never actually check, lots of folks would be really surprised if they did.

$1700 buys a lot of bullets and powder.
Agreed there will be guys with a $100 setup outshooting me not saying spending more on the IP is going to necessarily make better ammo. This definitely isn’t a need, neither are $5000 dollar rifles but a lot of us have them. If the IP was going to make it so that you couldn’t buy bullets, powder, or primers definitely don’t get it. If you can swing it hell why not. I’ve been using a Lee perfect powder dump to get me close and hand trickling with a FA manual trickler. So was just looking for an upgrade. Waste of money, maybe. But I’ve spent more on dumber shit so….
I have a RCBS chargemaster supreme and love it. Every time I check it verse any other method I was using it is more accurate. I typically run it in auto mode, and when I am ready for another powder charger I seldom have to wait for it. I have not set up the powder profiles to speed it up yet, throwing and checking checking powder charges use to be the tedious part of my reloading and now its eliminated.
Agreed there will be guys with a $100 setup outshooting me not saying spending more on the IP is going to necessarily make better ammo. This definitely isn’t a need, neither are $5000 dollar rifles but a lot of us have them. If the IP was going to make it so that you couldn’t buy bullets, powder, or primers definitely don’t get it. If you can swing it hell why not. I’ve been using a Lee perfect powder dump to get me close and hand trickling with a FA manual trickler. So was just looking for an upgrade. Waste of money, maybe. But I’ve spent more on dumber shit so….
Its not a waste of money. Maybe to someone who can't afford it.

You can't compare a sub $100 powder measure to any of the top ones mentioned in this thread. Thats like comparing a ruger American to a 5k plus custom. Or a Honda civic to a Hellcat. Doesn't make any sense.
yeah but the chargemaster is slow.

I’ve had zero issues with making accurate ammo with a LEE perfect $30 drum measure. Verified with 20round groups at 600yds, RL16 and XBR thrown vs weighed/trickled. No perceptible difference on target.

The new dispensers like the IP are cool and super accurate but are they really going to improve your ammo, and get you hits? Most folks will assume so and never actually check, lots of folks would be really surprised if they did.

$1700 buys a lot of bullets and powder.
Given the fact that you can seat a bullet while the CM is throwing a charge, it's really not slow at all.
You can't compare a sub $100 powder measure to any of the top ones mentioned in this thread.
I guess you didn't read through the thread. Folks did exactly that.
I remember Joe at Realguns testing Harrels against other dispensers 20 years ago. Conclusion: no difference overall.
Buy what you want.
I guess you didn't read through the thread. Folks did exactly that.
I remember Joe at Realguns testing Harrels against other dispensers 20 years ago. Conclusion: no difference overall.
Buy what you want.
20 years ago most of these products didn't exist
20 years ago most of these products didn't exist
You are assuming that a more precise powder charge will result in more precision on target.

I have not seen convincing evidence that it does at hunting/long range hunting distances

Not saying that there is no benefit, just saying it has not been proven, similar to the whole seating depth/incremental charge load testing debate
You are assuming that a more precise powder charge will result in more precision on target.

I have not seen convincing evidence that it does at hunting/long range hunting distances

Not saying that there is no benefit, just saying it has not been proven, similar to the whole seating depth/incremental charge load testing debate
I have personally seen lower sd and es with more precise charges which translate to better results downrange.

I mean to extrapolate your point would be to say there is no difference between factory ammo and handloads.
I have personally seen lower sd and es with more precise charges which translate to better results downrange.

I mean to extrapolate your point would be to say there is no difference between factory ammo and handloads.
Would not argue with lower ES.

I would question whether that truly shows up on target at distance. Logically it should. In practice I have not personally seen it, and have read from other more experienced long range competitors that it is more complicated than ES when it comes to vertical dispersion..
one of the hornady podcasts mentions that there is no measurable difference on target until you get loads that are consistent down to a single kernel, which meshes well with what others are saying for no difference between a harrels and a chargemaster. I bought a chargemaster years ago, did the primal rights straw and speed upgrades, and have zero issues. I left it on for 3 months straight this fall to see if it would drift over time, and it did not. 0.0 always and forever with the dust cover closed. Maybe i have a good one, maybe the bad ones are actaully just operator or power supply errors. who knows.
I liked the look of the Frankford Arsenal one. Seemed to be a good mix between budget and accuracy based on the reviews. I too am tired of hand weighing all of my charges. I have the cheap Lee drum thing and it's great for bulk 5.56, 300blk subs, 30-30 subs, and stuff like that but I don't trust it enough for my precision stuff.
Post 21 on this thread is from one of the Hornady Guys that were on “that podcast”…… for what it’s worth

I love how guys will tell you their favorite dispenser drops to within .01 grain! (0ne hundreth of a grain).

All drum type dispensers will give you +/- .1 grain with their favorite powder ( usually a ball powder). None will drop long stick that consistently.

Unless you're an F class competitor, you're not going to notice the variance in powder drops.

So I recommend getting a drum type dispenser (lee,lyman,rcbs,hornady). Weigh a string of 20 drops of you preferred powder and calculate the SD. Note the Extreme spread and factor that in to how close to max charge you go. Get reloading and go shooting.

Have fun!
Your absolutley right, I have a old Hollywood thrower that will do stick powders pretty good. If I set it at say 41 grs. H4350, drop 5 and check the 5th one it is always 40.8 or 9. If I adjust it again, it will throw heavy by 1-3 tenths. I can live with it. Also have Redding and RCBS they can't throw (stick)as constant as the Hollywood.
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