Which Muzzleloader to Buy?

From my own personal experience I had very little success to start with my TC Encore using their muzzleloader barrels. Can't say I ever really figured out what my problem was, but I eventually upgraded the barrel to an Arrowhead smokeless for my encore and it's now the most accurate rifle I own. I understand wanting to stay under the $2000 mark, but even if you don't plan to go smokeless, it's hard to beat the accuracy you get from the Arrowhead barrel in an encore platform.

Another option would be to find a cheap Savage 110 action and purchase the Arrowhead 45 muzzleloader barrel for it. Could probably stay under the $2000 mark that way...

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I've owned Knight, CVA and Thompson, all of them were capable 200 yard guns. One thing to remember in load development is match the bullet to the velocity. There are a lot of bullets to choose from and sometimes we muzzleloader shooters will push a soft bullet too fast, then complain about how bad the bullet performs on deer. If you are limited to white hots, keep this in mind while selecting bullets. I am in a State that allows sabots, so I have a huge variety of bullets to pick from.
I have yet to find a muzzleloader twisted 48 or tighter that I couldn't get to shoot well. I recently posted videos of me busting 300yd clays as an example.

What I found is that virtually every one will shoot a well with about 80grs 2f swiss and a lead bullet over a lubed wad.

Most guys have a hard time believing that this is the easy button because it's low tech....but I have yet to be stumped by a rifle.

So.....buy whatever you want, but put some time into load development.
Bought my wife a used (DNR Auction) Traditions Vortek Strikerfire. Shoots Federal Copper BoreLocks lights out with 95gr Volume 777 FFFG.

I have a TC Triumph and it also shoots lights out. I'm using old Federal Fusion bullets with 90gr vol....BH209. But have also shot Fed BoreLocks and it shoots 2" or so at 100 with 100gr 777 pellets.
As has been said, the TC Omega or a Knight would be where I would start. (I have several of each and are all extremely accurate once I found out what they like to eat) CVA used to be the Walmart version of Muzzleloaders but have recently upped their game.
Get out and handle several and see what feels good in your hands.
I usually grab one of my Omegas to hunt with but the old Knight MK85 seems to come along frequently too.
Are there any new ML coming out this year? I have heard that maybe a replacement for the Paramount…. I want to get into ML - buy one that I can use just about any where and is good for 400 yards. The Paramount Pro V2 was the ticket, but they stopped making them and there are some issues with them apparently. The Arrowheads are too rich for my blood. I would like to keep it to less than 3k. Which would make it by far the most expensive firearm I own…
Are there any new ML coming out this year? I have heard that maybe a replacement for the Paramount…. I want to get into ML - buy one that I can use just about any where and is good for 400 yards. The Paramount Pro V2 was the ticket, but they stopped making them and there are some issues with them apparently. The Arrowheads are too rich for my blood. I would like to keep it to less than 3k. Which would make it by far the most expensive firearm I own…
Don't know about anything new coming out, but an Arrowhead barrel for a TC Encore would come in under $3000... Even if you had to buy the TC Encore action. Of course finding the action right now can be difficult. That said, TC is back up and running...

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