Which Benelli M2 12 Gauge for do all shotgun?

Favor the 26 for General Utility
Over abused an M2, and Am currenty sporting The Monty

InertiaBolt is the Schwayze, ...sans the OEM Pogostik ( RecoilSpring ) being the Systems WeakLink

Stainless no Lube Pogostik fields vast majority Issues ( install being a slight Rodeo )
Am also sporting the SS MagTube Guts/ Mondo bolt shifter

Favor the 26 for General Utility
Over abused an M2, and Am currenty sporting The Monty

InertiaBolt is the Schwayze, ...sans the OEM Pogostik ( RecoilSpring ) being the Systems WeakLink

Stainless no Lube Pogostik fields vast majority Issues ( install being a slight Rodeo )
Am also sporting the SS MagTube Guts/ Mondo bolt shifter

View attachment 180355

Um, yeah, if you could you just translate that post into English for me. That would be great. :-)
Will be purchasing an M2 20ga for next dove season, but I love my SBE2 it has taken a beating and keeps on ticking!

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Reviving this thread. Bought the M2 20/28 in Optifade as a 60th birthday present to myself (turned 60 last weekend). Won't get it for a couple weeks. Will report how we like it when I get some time in the field on it.