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- Jun 14, 2019
No, I don't think any of the custom 700 actions that have that feature. But I could be wrong. Its never been an issue for me though.Does the Nanook bolt lock closed when on safe?
No, I don't think any of the custom 700 actions that have that feature. But I could be wrong. Its never been an issue for me though.Does the Nanook bolt lock closed when on safe?
Lawsuits certainly tend to blow things out of proportion. Humans are also horrible at assessing risk.The good old Remington is the Skippy peanut butter of bolt actions - it’s not fancy or expensive, but has simply works well enough with few complaints for longer than most of us have been alive.
I feel a little funny being the very first person to let you in on a secret, but you should know the anti Remington 60 Minutes segments, and attorneys that sued Remington had a giant incentive to blow things way out of proportion. I know it’s hard to accept anyone would stretch the truth for personal gain, but it’s true. Give it a little while to sink in.
Do you remember the brother that accidentally shot his little brother when he Remington trigger “failed”? That was the defense the shooter used. Turns out the jury didn’t buy it and the brother was found guilty.
How about the guy pulling the rifle out of a closet when it went off? When the state crime lab couldn’t get the trigger to fail, that information didn’t make the headlines.
How about the mother who shot her son unloading his gun after a hunt. Sorry, but my mother has been around guns her whole life, but I wouldn’t trust her to unload a rifle while it’s pointed at me. Watching anyone unfamiliar with good handling practices, it’s amazing more aren’t shot working bolts and having fingers near triggers. Trying to jump on the trigger malfunction bandwagon is what attorneys do, but I find that situation questionable.
Weekend diy gunsmiths have always created unsafe triggers, especially those with adjustment screws. It makes me chuckle when PRS shooters dick with their triggers not knowing what they are doing and then have failures and everyone around them blames it on Remington.
It’s unfortunate, but we have become a nation of dummies and the liability laws have been used to put gun companies out of business and ruined classic gun designs. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in our lifetime, liability laws are how the antis take all new guns off the market.
As always, I’ll buy any unsafe model 700’s for double scrap price.
I don’t have a ton of experience with other actions but have felt several. I also own an Origin. My Falkor LW7 feels so much better than all of those. I have a hammerhead build going so we will see if that changes my mind. I just wish the LW7 had an integral rail.Incredibly smooth, and none of mine have ever seen a drop of oil. Very light bolt lift and close, 19.6oz for SA. But my favorite is the feeding. I’ve gotten to where I’ve had to just trust that it fed because it’s so smooth you don’t feel it. Closing on no mag is the same as feeding a round.