Sold Looking to buy a Rem 700 Short Action

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Feb 10, 2025
i'm looking to buy used remington 700 short action or rem 700 short action clone. Preferable bolt would be 0.441 for 22arc/6mm arc. Looking for a sub $900. Thanks
I'm pretty sure Remington never made a bolt face that size, the closest thing to it would be a 6.8PSC but those rifles are super rare and $$$. You'll have to get a .223 and have the bolt face opened up, get a .473 face and have it filled in, or get a different bolt from someplace like PTG. The clone actions may be another story. I've got a new 2024 production, used, 700 SPS in .223 that I'm thinking of selling, if you're interested. PM me if you want to chat about it.
I have a trued, accurized stainless Model 7 action. .223 bolt face totally worked over by LRI from a NOS bare action. Gre-tan firing pin, etc. Interested?
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