Which 350 Legend for whitetail

Fellow IL resident here. I don't gun hunt in the state, just archery. However I do gun hunt in MI with a 450 bushmaster. I have a Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle chambered in 450 BM (they make a 350 legend option too). If I wanted to use that rifle here, I would just buy an AICS pattern single shot sled that fits in the mag well. Basically rendering it a single shot. I haven't checked the laws to see if that satisfies the requirements. I could be an option though.

Not a knock on the Ruger American or others, but this rifle is far more premium.

+1 CVA Cascade. It’s nice that it has a threaded barrel in the event you should ever decide to go suppressed in the future. As another said here it’s very accurate and easy to shoot!
I have placed good shots on deer with .350 Legend and had little to no blood so I'm switching to a .450 this year

Completely understandable. The legend doesn't have a lot of "whap" and seems more prone for tacking jobs as compared to a faster bullet with more hydrostatic "wow".

What ammo were you using?

I've only shot 2 so far with 350 legend. Found that 2,300 fps-class reloads w 165 gr FTX bullets make a nice hole, blood wasn't an issue. After about 50 yards it was spraying the trees out the entrance hole - exit hole was plugged w guts...(in tight to shoulder, out at last rib) - had blood from impact to the deer. The other deer just fell over, kicked and died.

Can see tougher bullets like the 170 gr Interlock not expanding well at say 150 yards and not leaving a good blood trail - the tougher bullet isn't really designed for lower velocities. I do reload these for target practice (cheap) but not for hunting.

The 165 gr FTX will supposedly expand well down to 800 fps, which IMO makes em perfect for this caliber...it's a "lightweight" caliber, doesn't need super tough bullets, the 150-180 gr weight makes up for needing a "tough" bullet. The 150 gr winchester hunting bullets also seem to be pretty thin skinned and not too tough but i don't have any experience with them.

Don't disregard the Remington .36 Cal they just came out with based off the 30-30 brass. It is a 200 gr class bullet. Wish i had a chance to get my hands on one to test it out. Don't want a lever gun tho - would do single shot or bolt.

The .450 has some punch to it.
These two both fell 15 to 25 yards from where I shot them with my 350 Legend XPR Winchester using Winchester Deer Season 150s. Both shots were from 185 yards ( I ranged before shooting) I will probably stick with it.IMG_0903.jpegIMG_0905.jpegIMG_0908.jpeg
What is the concept behind requiring a straight walled cartridge for deer?
Limited case capacity and larger bullets limit velocity and BC. This limits effective range. The concern is that high power rifles can be deadly at long distances if you miss. Many of the states that now allow straight wall used to be shotgun only. By allowing rifles they hoped to increase participation. Straight wall and for that matter 35 cal or larger have poorer BC in the ranges of bullet weight people can stand to shoot. This alone limits effective range. Add in lower mv due to low case capacity, you can’t get much beyond 200 yards effective range.
I have placed good shots on deer with .350 Legend and had little to no blood so I'm switching to a .450 this year
What bullet? If you didn't get a passthrow this can happen.

Also a small sample isn't enough to come up with a consensus opinion although I understand if you lost confidence in that load.
What bullet? If you didn't get a passthrow this can happen.

Also a small sample isn't enough to come up with a consensus opinion although I understand if you lost confidence in that load.

I haven’t had a chance to use my 350 Legend on a deer yet, but the blood trail is a common complaint, from what I’ve been told. But I’ve also been told that, if you have a good enough shot, the blood trail isn’t really going to make a huge difference anyway.
I haven’t had a chance to use my 350 Legend on a deer yet, but the blood trail is a common complaint, from what I’ve been told. But I’ve also been told that, if you have a good enough shot, the blood trail isn’t really going to make a huge difference anyway.
I had not heard of it til this thread.

I like to reload and seek info for the cartridge. Just hadnt seen anything about lack of blood. I know it happens 1 hole bullets…

They do put stout bullets in 350 Legend and the bullets won’t expand much at say 200 yds so not exactly surprised.

Shame they cant use a lil softer bullet to aid in expansion…
The CVA is the best commercial option in 350. The Ruger magazine sucks & feeds like poo. Winchester is heavy. Howa magazine arrangement sucks too for a carry rifle. A cz 527 would be really ideal but that model is discontinued.
The Ruger American feeds like poo? That certainly hasn't been my experience.
I haven’t had a chance to use my 350 Legend on a deer yet, but the blood trail is a common complaint, from what I’ve been told. But I’ve also been told that, if you have a good enough shot, the blood trail isn’t really going to make a huge difference anyway.
Bullet selection plays a big part in your blood trail with the 350. The tipped Winchester xp bullets (on a sample size of 4 deer had minimal blood trail and no exit wound (quartering shots) In 3 cases the copper jacket with a little lead was just under the hide on the offside shoulder. These were mostly good sized Michigan whitetails, at ranges from 30 yards to 150 yards. the Hornady soft point 170 grain bullet left a decent blood trail and an exit wound on 2 deer, as did the 180 grain Winchester bullet on 3 deer. I should add that none of the deer ran more than 75 yards and 3 of them dropped instantly.
The Ruger American feeds like poo? That certainly hasn't been my experience.
Yes. Mine shot very accurate but the magazine arrangement was awful and a jamm-o-matic. The Rugers also have a nasty habit where the bolt can turn down prior to engaging the bolt cut out notch.

The CVA is much better. Another neat feature is the magazine can be load while inserted in the rifle like an ADL style Remington.
I have placed good shots on deer with .350 Legend and had little to no blood so I'm switching to a .450 this year
My brother has a 450 bushmaster and the Hornady FTX bullets and had horrible blood trails on good shots. There are now some better bullet options available. This lead me to get a 350 Legend and I've had good blood trails, or the deer have dropped within 10 yards.
Yes. Mine shot very accurate but the magazine arrangement was awful and a jamm-o-matic. The Rugers also have a nasty habit where the bolt can turn down prior to engaging the bolt cut out notch.

The CVA is much better. Another neat feature is the magazine can be load while inserted in the rifle like an ADL style Remington.
I've owned both, both were accurate, neither had any real issues. I've never had a feeding issue even though I've seen several people mention it. The Ruger American was on average more accurate (by 1/4" avg group, nothing that would make a difference in a hunting situation) even though the CVA had a better trigger (which I thought was surprising). I still consider aftermarket trigger options for the Ruger American, but as an accurate, budget, utility hunting rifle (they aren't the prettiest rifles out there even when you dress them up a little) the only complaint I've had after many hunting seasons with Ruger Americans in several calibers is that the bolt handle can be bumped up after chambering a round- resulting in a loud click and failure to fire. Easily remedied by paying attention.
The Ruger American feeds like poo? That certainly hasn't been my experience.
I found the aftermarket magazine springs to be pretty stiff, contemplating pulling the springs and cutting a coil or two off.

Also saw some guy cut down a mag and made a 3 round mag that didn’t hang out much. Might do that too.