Which 308 bullet?

What did you decide on?
Ended up going with the terminal ascents for this season. Once I shot them they produced a .58” group at 100 yards out of my gun (2nd only to sig). I was between the Sigs, Federal loaded Partitions, and the TAs. TAs were the only thing regularly available. Federal’s website has them almost weekly, so they won the battle for this year. Hoping I can get a deer or two this year and see their performance on game. Might switch it up next year when ammo selection is (hopefully) different, but for this fall it’s 175gr Terminal Ascent.
I have the same gun as you and terminal ascents produce the best groups for me. I shot a cow elk with one last fall and it performed well.
The terminal ascent shot great from my tikka and sako. So nice to have the same ammo shoot well from two guns. I’m stocked up. Great performance on game for me as well, with probably 18 critters down with them.
I'm gonna ruin your day - shoot 10 shot groups. I bet your results will change and it'll be more representative of true accuracy.

As far as 'killin' goes, cup and core have been piling up animals for a long time. All but the most dangerous game is pretty easy to kill with a properly placed poke. Don't be too picky.

I'd pick anything around 1MOA sorted by the best BC. That will open up some future hunting for you at distance (out West).
Hornady Precision Hunter with 178gr ELD-X shoot the best for me.

Close 2nd are the Federal Premium Berger Hybrid Hunter 168gr.

I'd bet $20 they will be your tightest groups yet.
Good choice, especially seeing them available again. You won't go wrong with the terminal ascents. I shot 250 rounds of them at the range last year in 308. They shoot side by side with Sierra match kings. As far as hunting, I shot 2 nice whitetail bucks, and had a complete pass through on an aoudad.
175 TA performed awesome on my bull this year. I shot him through the lungs broadside at 80 yards. Entry was perfect .30 cal and the exit was 3" after breaking shoulder and exploding a rib on the way out. I plan to stock up on this load.
Hi all! New hunter here. I’ve read plenty of threads about the “best .308 bullet”. I’m wondering for my specific gun, which bullet would y’all choose? I spent some time at the range today shooting groups with my new Tikka T3x lite stainless. The results are below, 3 shot group sizes at 100 yards:

Sig Sauer Elite Hunter Tipped 165gr: .47” group
Hornady Custom SST 150gr: .63” group
Federal Premium Nosler Partition 180gr: .82” group
Hornady Black AMAX 168gr: .82” group
Federal Fusion 150gr: .97” group

Honorable Mention
Hornady Outfitter 165gr: 1.54” group
Federal Premium Barnes TSX 150gr: 1.60” group
Winchester Power Point 180gr: 1.82” group
Federal Fusion 180gr: 2.07” group
Federal Power Shok SP 180gr: 2.41” group

I also have some Federal Terminal Ascent 175gr I forgot to bring, and I plan on buying some Nosler Trophy Grade 165gr AB when I can find them in stock. If your choice would be one of those (pending group size) let me know.

The group sizes aren’t great, but I’m very new to this and it was a decently windy day (10-15 mph) so it’s what I have. Let me know what you’d choose for whitetail and hog and why. Not currently planning any elk or bear hunts, so not worried about that strength of animal.
For deer, generally that's light-skinned game and what you need is a rapidly expanding bullet that stays together. And the Hornady SST does that.

If you hunt large wild hogs, they're always moving and you may well have to take a body shot just because that's the way the woods work. That is among the hardest animal there is to put down with a body shot especially the boars. If I were getting 0.8 inch groups with Nosler partitions, and I wanted to hunt deer in hogs with the same ammunition I would absolutely use the partitions. They will expand on a rabbit. They will punch through an elk. Or a boar hog shield.

A friend of mine who lives in lowndes county Georgia recovered a 270 deer bullet from a large boar hogs shield. Center of the shoulder shot. It had been in the hogs shoulder over a year and was completely healed. That's what the wrong bullet can do for you even out of a great gun.

Last year, I shot two deer with old Nosler ballistic tip bullets out of 308. The bullet went in between two ribs and it exited the size of a pencil and both deer ran. I won't use those again at that range because the velocity of impact was too low. Why? I loaned someone my deer rifle, and hunted with my 308 target rifle. That's what I had loaded. After that, I shot one with my usual Sierra spitzer boat tail, and it dropped like a rock. With the exact same shot in the same field with the same gun and the same shooter. I was questioning myself because I almost never have deer run more than two or three steps and I'm talking about 50 or more.

It is some old technology, granted. And face it, Nosler partitions are not beautiful. But I can say they almost never fail. And they will absolutely work on deer and hogs and coyotes and rabbits.
I don't know of another bullet that can make that claim
I used them last year on antelope out of a Christensen AR 10 with an 18 inch barrel. They would shoot sub moa groups all day long. 1st one was a 200 yd broadside shot. The bullet took out the heart and completely destroyed the lungs. The goat took 3 steps and fell over, no exit wound. The second one was similar but at 170 yds, shot was a bit higher and destroyed both lungs with no exit wound. Only found bullet fragments in both animals. Given the complete destruction and lack of an exit would, I'd be hesitant do a shoulder shot.
I quit shooting 150/308 core locks because they're too aggressive. It'll blow shoulders apart, and comes apart if it hits bone more than a rib. I like to always get an exit on deer.
Last year, I shot two deer with old Nosler ballistic tip bullets out of 308. The bullet went in between two ribs and it exited the size of a pencil and both deer ran. I won't use those again at that range because the velocity of impact was too low. Why? I loaned someone my deer rifle, and hunted with my 308 target rifle. That's what I had loaded. After that, I shot one with my usual Sierra spitzer boat tail, and it dropped like a rock. With the exact same shot in the same field with the same gun and the same shooter. I was questioning myself because I almost never have deer run more than two or three steps and I'm talking about 50 or more.
What weight ballistic tip, and what distance?
What weight ballistic tip, and what distance?
I have two other friends and we all reload together and share components. We all had the same experience with those bullets. Sometimes they would slip right through, and when they do expand they'll blow the whole other side off. All three of us quit using them about 10 years ago. And my 50 deer is nothing! The limits 12 in Georgia and they use it!
Figured I’d post an update. Was able to take my 1st deer ever yesterday using the Terminal Ascents. The shot was only 40 yards (hunting the southeast). Exit hole was about the size of a half dollar and pouring blood. The deer ran 25 yards before crashing. I’ve attached pictures of the exit side meat with the hide removed as well as the blood at the location of the deer when I shot. The blood remained consistent for the whole 25 yard trail.

To y’all more experienced guys - how would you rate this one sample performance? Obviously it did the job, but was it too destructive? Or is that a common amount of damage for shot placement/distance/etc.
