Where to move?

I do commend you for wanting children and for your wife to raise them. Not easy in today’s world but very much worth it. There is never a perfect time to have kids so I say get started! It will change your life forever!

Looking at the maps, taxes etc two areas that seem interesting to me with potential for jobs etc would be Sioux Falls South Dakota- still “western” but affordable and lower taxes. The other is the Memphis Tennessee area- would be southern and warmer with the advantages of all the growth and low taxes TN has but still affordable housing.
Sioux Falls here - SD born and raised and great state. The rent (2375) would be similar to what they pay now (little cheaper) to get back into the kind of house they had before. The buying a house price would be more in their budget if they both worked. It would be really tough in and around Sioux Falls to buy and live on one salary. Other places of state not as bad price wise but not the jobs. Idk if Sioux Falls would have the kind of job in his field as I do not know that field. But house would be in town. Acreage prices are still too high as with most other places
Haven't seen it mentioned but IN has a decent manufacturing base and fairly low cost of living, outside of the main metro areas. Hoosier national forest has a solid amount of public land. And there are scattered smaller public tracts around. Whitetail are plentiful, turkeys are plentiful in certain areas, good waterfowl, all sorts of fishing opportunities.

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I live in north eastern Washington and recently spent a few months in the TN/GA/NC area. I ended up working with quite a few people from the Muscle Shoals area.

If I didn't have kids I'd have never came back from my TDY. Great people, food and the pace was certainly a nice change. I can't wait to get back down south and work with them again.
I think you should look at applying to work for Micron in Boise. Then plug mountain Home Idaho into Zillow. 30 minute easy commute. I bet you could knock down 80-120k manufacturing role and get a 3 bed 2 bath house for $320-350. No joke please look into this.
Due to the outrageous rise in property prices here my home (real estate) taxes in WY have gone up 250% in three years.
Another few years like this and it will run many of is out of here... and we will become California 2.0.

Imagine if you will: You currently pay $3000 a year in real estate tax and it triples in three years. What does this do to your mortgage payment?

Incredible and criminal all at once...
I hear you,I'm in Sheridan, property taxes have increased my fixed rate mortgage $100 per month this year compared to last. This keeps up I'm selling to the first out of stater who is willing to pay a ridiculous price for a house just to live in a small( not for long) western town. I'm not going to pay a premium to live somewhere it snows for 5-6 months a year.
I’m sorry you’re in the position you’re in. It’s tough out there.

Arkansas is beautiful and super cheap, as others have mentioned. Awesome hunting opportunity. But I wouldn’t live there due to summer being unbearable, though.

Virginia and West VA are pretty states and are affordable. Can’t speak to their hunting opportunities.

My biggest advice would be relentless in finding a better-paying job, or take up multiple jobs now before kids to get ahead. I know that’s easier said than done. But it only takes convincing one hiring manager you’re right for the job to unlock significant potential increases in salary.
Now I know how y’all feel when your backyard elk unit gets name-dropped on here. Arkansas sucks, tell all your friends.

For real though, some parts of the state are getting a lot more expensive due to all the Texans moving in after getting priced out of Texas by all the Californians.
Now I know how y’all feel when your backyard elk unit gets name-dropped on here. Arkansas sucks, tell all your friends.
Exactly. I’ll never understand why people are eager to tell everyone else how great it is where they live. Move somewhere like it and then have to tell the whole world about it. If you like where you live hush your mouth.
Come on over to California - I’m in a “safe city” - you can buy a starter home for 450-550k super affordable, 3-7k in fire insurance, 1.25 property taxes… you can golf all winter and summer, play in the snow or go to the beach … if you only have one life you might as well make it count - hunt Nevada and Utah
I have often said if I couldn't afford to move to WY when I retired (which we did, but expensive and getting worse by the day), I would move to Arkansas. Missouri and Arkansas are very inexpensive and both the Missouri Ozarks and Arkansas have beautiful landscapes, lakes and rivers, but Arkansas takes the cake with natural splender and great trout fishing.

Both have abundant fishing, camping and hunting and both have very liberal hunting seasons.

Groceries, regular supplies/staples and eating out here in WY are 25-50% more than what we were used to in MO. Here locally food and eating out are double what we paid in MO.
The house we had in MO would cost 3x as much here. Of course gas prices are about 30-50% leas there also.

I’m just curious, did you happen to retire and move around 2020-2021, because I haven’t moved in that time but pretty much everything you said about price increases from Missouri-Wyoming, could be said about my life without having moved in that timespan

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I grew up in Indiana and a lot of people I grew up with retired to Tennessee, my daughter grew up in Colorado but moved to Oklahoma where her boyfriend lives,lots of reservoirs near Tulsa ,no winter, damn hor in the summer, i went to Oklahoma for a visit and liked it more than I thought I would, near Tulsa, don't know how inexpensive northern Nevada is if you prefer staying in the rocky mountain west ,eastern Oregon might be nice, it's high desert I'm told
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I am WI born and raised and currently live in SE GA and am not really satisfied with the outdoor recreation (not a fan of swamps). My fiance and I are looking to return to the midwest or go farther west. We have talked about making a matrix essentially that covers cost of living, taxes, avg salaries, avg home prices, etc.
South and North Carolina are pretty amazing.
Let's not tempt lambs to the slaughter.

At least two problems 'round here--- Ridge gators and new folks not from near ...

On a related note, I've heard that everything is better/legendary everywhere else ...

So bring your iron underwear if you dare. We won't be easy on you.

Just sayin' ...
freakin' bro country and sub-par Kelly Clarkson phuckin' up Tenn.

Looks like the range to be in is Kansas to Pennsylvania.

That doesn't explain the raft of refugees here from that area.
Not the same climate as the SE of course, but that keeps the people more interesting.
So you're sayin' the eight-month winter/mud season and the low humidity/high nose-booger count up there produce better lunatics than here down South ---

Ah say, Suh, that is Yankee nonsense. Ah will meet you at the river at dawn, with pistols or sabres, and jerk a knot in your ass.

Have your man speak to my man to make arrangements.
I have lived in a lot of places in my life due to military moves and employment relocations. CO, SC, NC, GA, TN, OR, KS, MO, WA, CA.....

My .02, NC and MO/KS.

We are currently in KS (just across the border from MO). We had never planned to live in the flyover states. Moved here for a work relo. It's been 10 years now and we are struggling to decide do we move again, if so, where? My next home has to be the one they carry me out of.

The flyover states have good job prospects, lower cost of housing/living, ample outdoor activities and enough population to provide things we enjoy like decent restaurants, shopping, etc.
Tennessee offers a lower overall property tax burden and no income tax, providing financial advantages. North Carolina has a larger population and boasts many higher education institutions. Both states have strong job markets, but Tennessee ranks second in job growth... so look into this areas before you make a decision since its not just gonna be for you think schools also.. hope you find a grate home..
Grew up in KY and have lived in Alabama, Tennessee, Colorado and Wyoming. Wyoming is where I eventually hope to retire to, but living back in KY now. The current push is for us to join TN as the only no income state in the immediate area, so that should help make KY more attractive, and I think the goal is to be there in the next 4 years or less. Housing isn't as affordable as it was when we moved back in 2020, wife works for a builder here, and custom home prices have gone from 160-180/sqft in 2020 to 240-260/sqft now.

I tell folks all the time I can't imagine graduating college now compared to 17 years ago. There's no way I could afford the same houses I bought then with the starting salaries available to fresh graduates now. It's a tough situation for any young family, best of luck.