I was lucky enough to go on a Stone's Sheep hunt this last August with my son in BC, and be successful in harvesting a great 11 year old ram. My plan has been to have replica horns made for a full body mount, and keep the original euro mount for my office. We planned that all out with the outfitter, however there was a mistake made. When the sheep made it to the taxidermist, he called and said that the sheep skull had been cut off and he only has the horns. It was pretty disappointing news after planning this once in a lifetime hunt for so long.
Does anyone have any insight to where I could purchase a Stone's Sheep skull to put the original horns on? It is not the same, but would be much better than having them on a plaster skull. I am open to any suggestions and do not mind paying if I have to.
Is there somewhere you can buy old taxidermy items? Thank you for any input.
Does anyone have any insight to where I could purchase a Stone's Sheep skull to put the original horns on? It is not the same, but would be much better than having them on a plaster skull. I am open to any suggestions and do not mind paying if I have to.
Is there somewhere you can buy old taxidermy items? Thank you for any input.