Where are you hunting Elk in 2020? Rifle, ML, or Bow?

Dad and I are heading to western Colorado for 1st rifle. New country for us. I didn't really want to change units, but Dad told me he's just not physically able to hunt where we have been archery hunting. The blow down is awful and anything above 10,000 feet just seems to really drain him. My goal is to get my Dad an elk. He's told me that he probably only has a few more years at most left climbing the mountains, cancer and diabetes has taken it's toll on him. I think I have a solid plan in place. We should get two days of scouting in prior to season and then I plan to hit it hard for the 5 day season. The units we are targeting should be a little more friendly to him. More glassing opportunities, lower elevation, a little better road access as well. I know the roads will mean more competition, but I am hoping that we can utilize the roads to move to different areas quickly. I have spent a lot of time on OnX and Colorado Hunt atlas identifying potential spots.
I live in western Oregon where archery starts next Saturday. I got a few bugling bulls close to home that I might hunt, but probably go east and hunt around Baker, Oregon for the opener. Stay there for maybe a week then go to Idaho for archery near McCall and hunt until the end of the season if needed. If I have not got one, I will return to Idaho for the A tag spike hunt with a rifle. After that, my last chance if I still am elkless is a late Oregon roosevelt archery cow hunt that starts about Thanksgiving.

Overall I have about two months of open elk season in front of me. I am retired, not a trophy hunter, and really like elk meat. Based on history my chances of success are pretty good. I hunt solo so I have flexibility to change plans as needed.

I can't wait to get after them.
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Idaho otc! Headed out in 3 weeks! More then likely an unproductive 3 weeks of work