When you buy a New one what do you do with the old one?


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
Been thinking after this season I am going to get a new bow.
Been shooing a Mathews V3X 33 for the past 2 seasons and I like the bow. The thing I do not like is there is not any Mathews dealers close to me at all.
Well let me correct that. There is one. But the shop is a joke and I would never take anything to them.
I'm really torn on weather to get something new as I do like my Mathews, I just do not like the no dealers around.

So with that said.
When you guys get a new one do you trade yours in? Sell it out right?
I used to do this a lot but the price of shipping any more on something like a bow has went through the roof.
So what do you guys normally do. Do you keep it for a back up?
Still not 100% sold on buying a new one but something I am thinking about.
I would keep it for a backup. I like to have two fully set up bows at all times. You read about it on here every year, guys have bow issues right before season and are scrambling to figure something out (me included). Bows de-value so quickly, having the insurance of a back up bow is worth more than the money you'd likely get for it.
I have a Press and saw already.
Don't get me wrong I have zero issue doing pretty much anything to a bow.
Its the warranty part that bugs me.
If i break a limb or a cam or something like that then there is no place around me thats worth a damn to do a warranty claim.
As long as they get you the part that’s all you need them for even if they have to put it on just bring it home and redo it. When I had to have a cam replaced I told them stick it on if you have to and that’s it don’t touch anything else. They where more then happy to not do a dame thing as they suck and are lazy so it was a win win for me. And I keep all my bows not worth it to sale them imo. Plus I like having back ups for when something happens and it always does it seems. If you like Mathews stick with it. My dealer around my area sucks as well but I don’t care as I like Mathews not gonna let them keep me from shooting the bow I want and like..

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I have a Press and saw already.
Don't get me wrong I have zero issue doing pretty much anything to a bow.
Its the warranty part that bugs me.
If i break a limb or a cam or something like that then there is no place around me thats worth a damn to do a warranty claim.

A lift would be at the bottom of the list next to two thousand teens bowtechs if lack of warranty/customer service for busted limbs are a concern.

Mathews will warranty the lift limbs for anyone, but if your dealer sucks. . .

I’d stay away from the lift either way. A warranty doesn’t do you a bit of good 5 miles from the truck and 2500 miles from home on a 10 day hunt.

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When you guys get a new one do you trade yours in? Sell it out right?
So what do you guys normally do. Do you keep it for a back up?
I've kept a few around but usually give them a way to a local high school student with good manners & high integrity. Let's be honest if we can afford a new bow and multiple out of stage tags a year, we can afford to pay it forward a little bit every once in a while, (at least that's what I tell myself).
I suggest you are overthinking it. You have a newer bow you like and shoot well. Not hard to get parts ordered if ever needed. Sounds like you would/could install yourself anyway.
Been thinking after this season I am going to get a new bow.
Been shooing a Mathews V3X 33 for the past 2 seasons and I like the bow. The thing I do not like is there is not any Mathews dealers close to me at all.
Well let me correct that. There is one. But the shop is a joke and I would never take anything to them.
I'm really torn on weather to get something new as I do like my Mathews, I just do not like the no dealers around.

So with that said.
When you guys get a new one do you trade yours in? Sell it out right?
I used to do this a lot but the price of shipping any more on something like a bow has went through the roof.
So what do you guys normally do. Do you keep it for a back up?
Still not 100% sold on buying a new one but something I am thinking about.
I gave my old compound bow to the neighbor. He seemed really appreciative and he already had handcrafted his own longbow so had some prior interest.
I struggle with this also. Shot a Bowtech Invasion for 9 years then bought my Phase 4 last year. Now this year I just bought a Hoyt and have yet to get rid of any of my priors. All are tuned and ready to roll with a specific set of arrows. My Mathews is my true backup this year and is sighted and ready with the same broadheads as my Hoyt. Different arrows though since I went 80lbs (couldn't keep it simple). The Invasion has taken way too many animals for me to give up yet, too sentimental. Can never have too many backups right?
I’ve sold probably 20 bows on the archery talk classifieds. You will get a lot more on a forum than trade in value at a bow shop. That said, maybe someday I’ll smarten up and keep one as a backup
A warranty doesn’t do you a bit of good 5 miles from the truck and 2500 miles from home on a 10 day hunt.
This also applies to anything else when it comes to hunting. Warranties are great and all, but never having to use them is better.

Buy a year or two old gently used or new in box bow, a last chance archery ez green press, a bow vice, and an arrow saw.

You’ll never have to go to a shop again.
I'll third this. I have a lot of shops within an hour or so drive, and there's only one I'd trust with my bow. Unfortunately, its right at an hour away. By the time I spend the gas(and time) going there a couple times a year I was at the cost of a press. When I do it myself, I know its done right. Sometimes it being done right might take an extra hour or two vs "good enough". Is the shop gonna spend an extra hour on my bow to make sure its right? Probably not. They're gonna send good enough out the door so they can get to the next guy.
I would keep that bow if it were I, you could always ship your bow to get tuned, where there’s a will there’s a way. Unless you’re a dude who has to have a new bow every year, Levi Morgan got 3rd in National Level ASA event with that bow, just saying.
I always keep a ready to roll back up compound bow for just in case since 2007 when I broke my bow on an elk hunting horse back trip. I got through the season borrowing my father in laws bow but getting it to camp was a logistical issue. I will always have a back up in base camp or truck. I rotate every year or 2 on my primary bow and sell the recently replaced one I have a 2011 pure I just can’t get ride of I shot it so well for so many years I think longer than anything else I owned. But my friends kid has pretty much taken ownership so my prime inline 5 is the back up to my lift 33 this season all the reported limb issues aside the lift is my all time favorite bow. Light, fast enough and dang pleasure to shoot it might stick for 3 plus seasons lol. You never need a back up until you do I learned the hard way.
I used to keep my old one as a backup and sell my old backup online.
Now I have a nephew that is into bow hunting, so he gets the one I was just using and my backup stays the same.
If I can manage it fiscally I like to keep it. Right now I have an RX8u that “replaced” a VTM 31. The RX8u is my primary bow but the VTM is a very capable backup. Bows depreciate a ton and the VTM has more value to me than I would gain by selling it (at least that’s how I justify it in my head).
Backup bow, sell it on classifieds as mentioned, or I know some shops around here do Consignment sales if you're not really into meeting up or shipping items. That would require that you trust the shop though 😖
I would keep it for a backup. I like to have two fully set up bows at all times. You read about it on here every year, guys have bow issues right before season and are scrambling to figure something out (me included). Bows de-value so quickly, having the insurance of a back up bow is worth more than the money you'd likely get for it.
This 100%
I had a compound blow up on me in 2019 after an accidental dry fire and it's still broken in the shed.

Besides that, I had a PSE Omen that also blew up in March 2023 and the shop refunded me, so the only compound bow I have right now is my current one - a Z1S.

I'm toying with the idea of a 30in ATA bow soon and if I do that I reckon I'll still keep the Z1S as a backup. I don't want for anything in the compound world but I've never had a shorter bow before and only drawing 28in means a 30in bow would likely be fairly comfortable. I'm curious, but not curious enough to fork out the coin for a new bow yet.

I've also got far too many trad bows I need to shoot more.