When to put a dog down?


Mar 13, 2019
When its sick all the time, have a bad injury and suffering so much...I think thats the time.
Aug 20, 2021
I’ve got a 14 year old Lab. He’s been a great dog and had a good run - arguably had a better life and more fun than 99% of dogs do, between hunting, camping, and kids. In the last year he has become deaf as a door nail, mildly incontinent, and his hips are failing. His back legs slide apart on our floors and he has trouble doing much. You can see in his eyes that he is still the same dog inside, but his body is slowly failing. We give him anti-inflammatory drugs to keep him mobile and minimize discomfort, but sooner or later that won’t do the trick any more and I’m not one to dump a bunch of money into a dog just to eek out another 6 months of poor existence. I’ve seen several dogs at the very end of their lives, and he isn’t there yet, but I’m wondering what criteria people use to determine that it’s time to put their dog down. It will be tough, but I don’t want him to suffer either.
Never easy.
Does he want to die, or is his mind and heart still in it, but his body is failing??

I've had success in the past with specific forms of CBD oil for an old dog.
You have to be careful with what type of CBD though as some of them, (cannabinoids) could potentially kill a dog
It made her last six month much more enjoyable for her and for half of that time she even perked up.

My position is this: pain be damned no is putting me out of my misery for my own good.
My dogs are along for the ride with me so I offer them the same curtsy.
If in serious pain, I would but mild pain and being old and practically useless no.

That's up to you, though.
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Jun 30, 2020
what a terrible topic. I have done it six times and absolutely hate it every time. I have never had one just die on me. Three to cancer. The rest just got to old, hips, eyes, bowel control. Just like us s they age, the body just gives out a little at a time. My GSP, my best dog so far, I say that about everyone, is now going on thirteen and is still super active He acts like a puppy a lot. He can't hunt as long as he use to and sleeps a lot more at the end of the day. We have never had a dog make it to 13, Axl, I think and hope will make it, when he does, that will be a special day. Sadly he will be my last dog. I'm getting to old and don't have the energy to put into what it takes. My wife said maybe try to find a dog that for what ever reason is losing it's home. I told her, that's not how I do It, It would be someone else's dog not mine. For everyone who has lost a dog, you have my deepest sympathy. Like mentioned is previous post, The reward for having a good dog is a broken heart in the end.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
You'll know when. My folks have a 16 yr old setter - she sleeps a lot but will prance around and get giddy, doesn't seem to be in any real pain, so she's still around.

Coworker put a lab down couple months ago. He was 14 I think. His back half went in a diff direction than his front half, no bodily function control. Still had some spunk but it was difficult for him to even stand. They had a vet come out and administer the shots.

Dogs are forever a faithful companion.


Aug 18, 2021
I used to wonder the same thing... then it got to be time, and it was painfully obvious. When it's time you will know.


Dec 9, 2019
As a guy who has owned many dogs I know its a tough call, but I had an old guy tell me years ago that a responsible dog owner thinks for the dog and not themselves. I can say ive put down my share and waited too long on almost every single one. Its harder when you have family that is attatched as well, but I agree with the old timer that once the dog crosses the line you need to be able to make the decision.


Jun 30, 2020
On one occasion we waited one day to long and my GSP suffered for it. We went on a fishing camping trip, the first day went along just fine but that night in the camper he had a real bad night, I actually though we lost him at one point, which might have been for the better. We got up the next morning and drove home and took him right to the Vet. at that point the Dr. said he doesn't seem to be in much pain right now, are you sure this is what you want. I told him if you just went through a night like we did you would not be asking. No it wasn't what I wanted to do but because I loved him so much we went through with it. Like all my dogs, he was the best. Miss you Buddy.


Oct 27, 2020
yuba city ca
Man just found this post. I just had to put my 13 year old lab down. She was a few weeks shy of her 14th bday. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.
Dec 31, 2021
I have put a bunch of them down over the years. They are usually someplace between 12 and 14. Everyone tears out a piece of your heart. Please don't wait too long. They don't deserve your reluctance.

I have shot a number of horses over the years. When they are out of teeth they are out of food. Grow some and get on with it. You owe them.