When do you give up on a rifle?


Feb 24, 2012
That sucks man.

Savages have a nut on the bolt, usually allen head. Check to make sure that's nice a tight and not backing off. Mine backed off once- something to check.

are you cleaning it tons?? maybe let it get super dirty, like 30+ rds through it without cleaning, I know some peoples rifles like to shoot "dirty"

I had a savage 116 that was a total turd, I tried a variety of ammo, torqueing, switching scopes etc never could make it shoot.. I don't have the heart to sell it to someone else so its now an expensive paper weight...sigh..

Why not rebarrel that paper weight?


Sep 25, 2014
I can tell you from personal experience that Savage 308 1:10 twist barrels often have a short throat. I have a 10T that I bought simply to play with the 168 and 175 SMK's (got a smoking deal on it) and I wasn't even able to chamber them unless I seated the bullet insanely deep. 150's shot like crap. I ended up getting a box of the Nosler 155 custom competitions and now I can often shoot 5 shot groups less than half an inch. If that didn't work, I was going to take a 175 reamer to the chamber.

Is the bolt hard to close or if you eject a round can you see that's its getting jammed into the lands? (coloring the bullet with a sharpie makes it very easy to tell)