I assume the answer is the same time as whitetail (February/March) but I don't KNOW the answer. Do mullies shed the same time as whitetail? Specifically in eastern Colorado/western Kansas?
February 13! I say that because I had one on my land and actually saw the antler fall off on that date. Seriously, Feb./Mar. is the typical time frame.
Two years ago during hunting season there was a one antlered buck. Thought he was broke. Then on Halloween I spotted a shed buck. After he walked off I found his one side, 4 point. Was the same buck from the hunt. The following year I'm fairly certain I harvested this buck. Was worried to drag him by the antlers.
In South Dakota at least it seems the muleys hold their antlers longer than the whitetails. It’s not uncommon to see muleys with their antlers well into April. In my experience muleys are about a month behind whitetails in dropping