When did sights become so expensive?

I don't understand it but for some reason people feel good when they spend a stupid amount of money on a name brand item. It makes them feel more confident and capable knowing they have the most expensive widget. Very similar to a security blanket.
I’m about a year into it and I figured buy once cry once. I was able to get my hands on the new spot high boonie triple stack and I love it. Large clear field of view, super easy and smooth adjustments, built like a brick shit house and I love the fact I can swamp adjustment dials for different arrow set up/ speeds. I can have my hunting arrow set up at 70# and for the rest of the year I can shoot my field points at 60# to get my reps in and I only have to sight it in twice. I figure if I get a o th er bow in 5-10 years I’ll just swap over the boonie. But I’m new so what the hell do I know lol

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I’ve not bought new archery equipment in years. The last bow I bought was new, but it was old stock and I got a really good deal on it. For any sight needs, I go to the classifieds. Now that I’m going to be more “active” here, I’ll hit them here too. But it’s not just sights, it’s everything archery related. The target side has gotten astronomical!
It’s crazy for sure , some of it I get with the technology advances and the added and in depth features. But some of it is hard to justify, I outfit my setups a lot of times with taken care of used gear.
When did they get so pricey? I'm in LAS a fair amount. The vast majority of bow sold in there are used for whitetails. The pro-shops convinced bowhunters they need a $400 sight to kill whitetails at 20 yards.
I’ve been out of the archery game for the past 10 years due to a very busy job but used to spend a ton of time shooting and upgrading archery gear. Now I’m hoping to get back to it now after a job change that allows more free time. I just recently went to my first 3-D shoot in a decade and had a great time using my old Elite Pulse from 2011.

I’ve been researching new bows over the past year and settled on an Elite Remedy as my perfect “new” bow, as I want easy drawing and very forgiving (something my pulse is not) for hunting, indoor league and 3-D. I just picked one up at a great price with a Vaportrail Pro-V rest already mounted, so now I’m going down the rabbit hole of new sights.

My old elite has a Spott-Hogg fixed 5-pin and while I’ve been happy with it overall, as others note, it’s very heavy and pins aren’t as bright as I’d like. Also interested in an adjustable sight to allow less total pins while still facilitating long range practice and 3-D shots.

This brings me to the title…when did sights get so expensive?!? My Spott-Hogg was like $150 and I thought that was outrageous but now most sights being recommended from BHG or Spott-Hogg are $300+. Even used it seems most go for $250.

Would love y’all’s thoughts on a more affordable option if it exists and if not, would be great to hear what justifies these crazy prices on newer sights that cost nearly as much as the bow itself.
Everyone is pushing the boundaries to see what we will absorb price wise.

A few years ago I bought a few custom Black Gold sights that were about $380 a piece. I felt kind of foolish for doing it.

Now, that new UV/Mathews sight is $700! That’s just stupid. But you see something like that and then you see the $550.00 Axcel version and think, yea, I might even though $550 is insane.
For real! I picked up a Mathews Lift on discount in October super stoked to be getting a good deal on such a sweet bow. Then I went to pick out accessories and my jaw almost hit the floor. We are long past the days of a $50 fixed pin...at least for the bridgelock system. Ended up making my old accessories work on it this season (against my pro shops advice) and just picked up a used MBG pro hunter with dovetail from S&S for $216 shipped. I'll slowly integrate to the bridgelock system over the winter but damn these accessories are no joke anymore.
To a certain extent, it’s simply a market correction. The archery industry has always had undervalued machined parts compared to other industries, even other sporting goods. Difficult parts, long run times, lots of R&D… then a comparatively low retail price. That has started to shift. The consumer has demanded more features, more precision, better durability, better engineering, better testing, better warranty etc; and they’ve proven they are willing to pay for it. Meanwhile private equity has taken over the companies that used to be owned by people that were shooter first, business people second… investors demand profits over products.

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Sights exploded when Dialed and Ultraview came out with small batch releases.

This is the answer. They created a demand for their over priced and over hyped product to adult onset hunters that know no better.

I’ve had a handful of UV sliders and dialed sights come through my shop. It’s mind boggling that people pay the money they want for them. At 200-250 bucks, they’d make sense. They’re not better than a spot hogg or axcel, most certainly not $300 better.

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