I'm 60, left my fulltime career @ the VA last year after 10 years of federal service. My little pension from them buys health insurance for wife and I and gives me a couple hundred bucks/month. During my working career I saved the maximum allowed by IRS for the last 20 years, that is all in IRAs. I took full advantage of employer match as well, that is included in the IRAs. We have stayed away from car payments always. Our largest mortgage payment was $1100/month, current mortgage is 900 w 21 years to go. We have had rental properties to reduce taxes and grow some equity, for now that lump is in savings possibly to be invested in a rental @ our home.
I work in the same medical field I retired from, now part time from home on line, usually 10 hr/week. That along w wife's social security pays all bills for now. The next rental will add to that. I'll be eligible for reduced social security benefits in 15 months. I can take about 4% out of my IRAs/year without reducing the principal. I like working, so I can customize my income w work earnings, IRA nibbles and later SS benefits. When the new rental comes online we can probably afford to travel often or live abroad, while I work from my laptop3 half days/week.
Any inheritance will be gravy.
Key elements for our plan:
Low-no debt w cheap mortgages, cash for used cars, buying less house than we can afford. Living below our means.
Max out pension and IRA contributions from payroll.
Continuing some work/earning to keep life interesting and generate income without tying one to a specific location or schedule.
Rental income in retirement, which helps w tax liability.
Secure health insurance in retirement ASAP. I'd still be working fulltime if I didn't retire from VA w insurance.
Don't have children.