Ol Janice is a b**ch ain’t she! It’s always that lead cow or doe that gets you..Being overly aggressive... Blown so many stalks over the years just trying to get to that next tree, or just busted by Janice, AKA lead cow
Getting the right set up. Being a solo archery elk hunter I still can’t seem to consistently predict which lane they are going to come in on. When I think they will go through nasty thick stuff they take the easy route and vice versa frequently. So frustratingMine is evening hunts! Just rarely hunt them. When hunting 23+ days in Sept. I may hunt 2-3 evenings. With that means I rarely if ever hunt all day, I just flat out get to antsy & bored! (grin) My goto time is daylight till 1pm.
What's yours?
That’s what a solar shower bag or a dunk in the cold ass creek is forI’m gonna sound like a weenie here but I honestly can’t stand the way I feel after not showering and sweating my butt off for a few days. Really starts to drag me mentally and don’t really know how to get over it.
Yeah I just need to commit to it. Do you use the solar shower for when it’s colder outside?That’s what a solar shower bag or a dunk in the cold ass creek is forMy Buddy for years refused to jump in the creeks. Too cold he said. I always told him it only hurts for a few seconds and then it all goes numb. The mid day lull is a perfect time to take a dunk. Finally broke him down last year and now he agrees it’s the best thing ever
Yes, for sure. Mostly out of the truck. When hunting out of the truck it’s not hard to quickly string a tarp around a tree and make a wind break. Add some boiled water if water is too cold. With some thought and practice you can use as little as 1-1.5 gal. You might get slightly chilled but you’ll warm up after you dry off but you’ll sleep so much better.Yeah I just need to commit to it. Do you use the solar shower for when it’s colder outside?