What's With The Tape On The Barrel?

Aug 20, 2021
It's too keep shit from getting in there. Water, dirt, sticks, etc. I always tape my barrel. Doesn't affect bullet impact at any distance. Pressure blow off the tape before bullet gets to it.
It's too keep shit from getting in there. Water, dirt, sticks, etc. I always tape my barrel. Doesn't affect bullet impact at any distance. Pressure blow off the tape before bullet gets to it.
You're describing tape on the muzzle. I'm asking about tape just in front of the forend. Look closely at the pictures.
Having extra around my barrel has saved me a couple of times when I forgot to bring a role to tape my muzzle. Several inches worth will live on my barrel during hunting season.
Poor boy barrel tuner! I seriously have read of it being used for this over on another "accurate shooting" board. But I see more sense in it being used to keep debris out the barrel.
I've been taping the muzzle for a long time, but I was unaware the cool kids started stashing extra tape on the barrel. Brilliant.
I have taped my rifle’s muzzle for years. I wrap a few wraps of electrical tape and duct tape around my Nalgene bottle for my extra tape storage.
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Having extra around my barrel has saved me a couple of times when I forgot to bring a role to tape my muzzle. Several inches worth will live on my barrel during hunting season.
I do same, but wrap it around the outside of the front ocular on my scope. About 12" kept wrapped there for muzzle or other uses.
Do you guys have a good tape recommendation for the super cold hunts? This year we were well into the negatives and electrical tape was getting brittle.
Reasons for tape on barrel:

Clumsy hunters who fall down a lot and stick their barrel in the mud.

Hunters who alway have to have rifle slung and sticking straight up in the pouring rain.

The extra role of tape around barrel indicates a less than stellar marksman who fires many rounds at animals but can't seem to hit anything even though they are shooting a low recoiling round and can spot their shots.

sometimes i wrap extra tape on the barrel. usually i have some on a water bottle and or something else like a pen or pencil. electrical tape and duct tape are both carried.