Doesn’t seem like I’m the one crying, here.
Hunter numbers are shrinking each year. Show me the numbers for your state that prove that crossbow kills surpass bow kills by a wide margin. I’m thinking you’re going to come up short on that.
And what have been your first-hand experiences that there is a certain mentality being brought in by hunters using crossbows.
And when did this conversation change to crossbows? I thought we were talking about the Garmin Xero sight, and how its use has no affect on you. I’d rather someone use a Garmin Xero and hit dead on, than make a bad shot and wound an animal.
While you’re looking up statistics for Wisconsin, see if you can find how many deer are un-recovered by recurve/traditional bow hunters, compared to compound and crossbow. I don’t know if those statistics are maintained, but have a sneaking suspicion which way the stats weigh heaviest.
So you say that there are “10 times the number of bowhunters” out there, since Wisconsin legalized. Can you prove that? So am I mistaken, or are you just upset that you don’t have the whole woods to yourself? You said before that archery is dying, …..